View Poll Results: Which of these to run ALONE and WHY?

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  • Turanabol

    7 25.00%
  • Anavar

    18 64.29%
  • Winstrol

    3 10.71%
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Thread: Which of these oral compounds would you run ALONE and WHY?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz

    Which of these oral compounds would you run ALONE and WHY?

    Turanabol vs Anavar vs Winstrol - Oral Only Cycle

    I am posting this to find out which of these two compounds would you run all by itself and the reasoning behind why you would...such as gains in strength, LBM, water retention, fat loss, and effects of side effects.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Go to the gym and quit asking ??????

    You and run them all by them self. What are your goals?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    go to the gym? why is that necessary to post. I bust my a** in the gym ED and i have a super clean diet and I have lost significant amounts of body fat. I can say that a good majority of people can't do what i have done with my life as far as losing weight and keeping it off and I am only continuing to work hard so I dont understand the bashing.

    My goals: Strength, LBM, fat loss (if it happens good if not, doesnt matter). I have never run an oral only cycle and I want to choose one which will give me the best overall gains.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by moush
    go to the gym? why is that necessary to post. I bust my a** in the gym ED and i have a super clean diet and I have lost significant amounts of body fat. I can say that a good majority of people can't do what i have done with my life as far as losing weight and keeping it off and I am only continuing to work hard so I dont understand the bashing.

    My goals: Strength, LBM, fat loss (if it happens good if not, doesnt matter). I have never run an oral only cycle and I want to choose one which will give me the best overall gains.
    Im not bashing you. I was busting your balls. I did not think you would take it out of context like that.

    Any way

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    o alright then my which would you choose based on my goals?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Var for sure if you looking for a little help with fat loss.

    But you ned to run it longer then the others. I would run the var for 10 12 weeks.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Dirty Jerz
    should you run anything along with it to protect your liver? since that is a pretty long time for an oral?

    so running var for 6 weeks is pointless then huh?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    you will not see that got of effect from var in 6 week. they come in strong an week 4 5.

    Yes a live support should be run with it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    alright so 10-12 weeks of var @ 60 mg ED...liv 52 is good to run or is there anything better or more effective? and just to get it out there PCT should be Clomid the day after the last tab @ 50 mg ED for 2 weeks right?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    that would be good.

  11. #11
    go to the gym and quit asking questions? LOL

    Gsxxr is on the money with this.... right now I am running Var at 100mg ed for 6 - 7 weeks.... 1 week in so far and starting to notice slight strength increase and hardening.....

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    I would never run an only oral cycle, doesnt matter what compound it is. To me only oral cycles are a deff

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    sweet bro...thanks for the help

    pm sent gsxxr

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Golds Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by moush
    alright so 10-12 weeks of var @ 60 mg ED...liv 52 is good to run or is there anything better or more effective? and just to get it out there PCT should be Clomid the day after the last tab @ 50 mg ED for 2 weeks right?
    Instead of running that duration with var, replace it with prop or even test e and dose it at 75-100mg/ed or 500mg/wk for test e and you will see alot more in terms of gains, which IMO would benefit you more

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Var is the only oral i would say run by it's self.

    But hey to each his own.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Dirty Jerz
    i have already run 3 cycles...I am running a var, Test E, Tren E, and Eq cycle in the spring. I am running the var cycle before since I have not run anything in over a year and I have been on a cutting diet for the past 3 months so I am looking for that little bit of strength and fat loss while staying on the cutting diet.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Dirty Jerz
    and Gho5t...many people have run a var only cycle with amazing results so I would like to try it out myself and see how it goes...

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Golds Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by moush
    and Gho5t...many people have run a var only cycle with amazing results so I would like to try it out myself and see how it goes...
    I understand bro, i was just giving you some aspects to consider, i wasnt in any way bashing your idea, not my intention.

    I do wish you the best of luck bro, and keep us updated on how everything goes

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    i understand your consideration and it was not wrong in anyways i do appreciate your help tho thanks man

  20. #20
    Well after I finish my cycle with var, I will wait about 6-8 weeks and then I am gonn do a cycle of Tbol only..... I want to compare the 2......

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    var is looking good for me... can't wait to test it out...

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Whats Var? The full word

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    ( anavar ) var is alright to run by itself i would rather use superdrol tho , ur guna get sides either or so why not run 4 weeks SD instead of 8-12 var and save urself an assload of $$$

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    So wouldn't Anavar and Winstrol be a good Mix? Except to much oral going down ur throat!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Kevinjg
    So wouldn't Anavar and Winstrol be a good Mix? Except to much oral going down ur throat!
    those are both 17aas so i would think stacking those two together would be very stressful on the liver.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    I would never run var again. Miligram per Miligram Winstrol gives more LBM & more strength....also alot cheaper.

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    New York
    Honestly...i plan to run myogen x, dbol and aromasin as a 6 week cycle to put on a few pounds. Just an experiment as I have done test cycles and the such before. I like dbol, I grow damn well from it.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Billytk03z
    go to the gym and quit asking questions? LOL

    Gsxxr is on the money with this.... right now I am running Var at 100mg ed for 6 - 7 weeks.... 1 week in so far and starting to notice slight strength increase and hardening.....
    Not worried anymore brother? "I'm 4 days in and can't notice anything" Good luck brother.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    i ran winnie for 6 weeks at the end of 2 of my cycles and it didnt do much for me...should i have run it a lot longer? plus i got bad joint problems in the elbows even tho i was taking glucosamine, chondroitin and msm

  30. #30
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by moush
    i ran winnie for 6 weeks at the end of 2 of my cycles and it didnt do much for me...should i have run it a lot longer? plus i got bad joint problems in the elbows even tho i was taking glucosamine, chondroitin and msm
    Did you get joint pain on Winny?

    If you did.. why would you consider running Var?

    Though not notorious for joint pain it is dht-derived like winstrol

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    I would never run an only oral cycle, doesnt matter what compound it is. To me only oral cycles are a deff
    ghost you are very smart most of the time.....why are you so hard headed on this topic?

    any one of the three are a great cycle imo
    tbol and winny and diet gave me ~15lbm im currently on pct right now ill let you know how much i keep...was looking for 10lbms at the start....
    strength was up but not a crazy amount and virtually no water retension

    also my pre to post cycle measurements were up about 1/4" to 1/2" on all body parts in only 9 weeks of cycling. which i think is pretty good considering i have measurement records that go back three years and those type of gains were taking me almost an entire year to get.

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Dirty Jerz
    hey nark yes i did get joint pain but while only doing skullcrushers everything else was fine...kinda i didnt think var would affect it as bad as winnie thats why i wanted to run it...

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    Only 1 I would slightly consider would be var. But I'm not planning on running a oral cycle anytime soon.

    I <3 test

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Did you get joint pain on Winny?

    If you did.. why would you consider running Var?

    Though not notorious for joint pain it is dht-derived like winstrol
    Just a side note. Winny kills my joints were var there fine.

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Getbig06
    Not worried anymore brother? "I'm 4 days in and can't notice anything" Good luck brother.

    Im still kind of wondering the potency of my gear..... Anyway, 7 days in and I do have a little hardening and slight stregnth increase... Nothing major yet, it could be to my increase in calories or just a placebo effect... I figure by the 2 week mark I should know for sure the legitimacy of my gear.. I still have Tbol on stand by just in case......

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    Golds Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by Manpretty
    ghost you are very smart most of the time.....why are you so hard headed on this topic?

    any one of the three are a great cycle imo
    tbol and winny and diet gave me ~15lbm im currently on pct right now ill let you know how much i keep...was looking for 10lbms at the start....
    strength was up but not a crazy amount and virtually no water retension

    also my pre to post cycle measurements were up about 1/4" to 1/2" on all body parts in only 9 weeks of cycling. which i think is pretty good considering i have measurement records that go back three years and those type of gains were taking me almost an entire year to get.
    IMO one would benefit more when using injectables rather than orals, there are alot more combos you can do with injectables, you can incorporate different kinds of injectable AAS into one cycle. While with oral AAS you dont have a wide variety to choose from.

    You can also run injectables for a longer duration compared to orals, and injectables arent as harsh on the system, and also IMO you get more quality mass/muscle when running injectables rather than orals.

    I do believe that oral AAS have a place in a cycle no doubt, IMO orals are best incorporated into a cycle either in the beginning as a kickstart(dbol,drol) or at the back end to harden up(var,winni).

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    IMO one would benefit more when using injectables rather than orals, there are alot more combos you can do with injectables, you can incorporate different kinds of injectable AAS into one cycle. While with oral AAS you dont have a wide variety to choose from.

    You can also run injectables for a longer duration compared to orals, and injectables arent as harsh on the system, and also IMO you get more quality mass/muscle when running injectables rather than orals.

    I do believe that oral AAS have a place in a cycle no doubt, IMO orals are best incorporated into a cycle either in the beginning as a kickstart(dbol,drol) or at the back end to harden up(var,winni).

    uh oh!

    i can see where this is headed

  38. #38
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr
    Just a side note. Winny kills my joints were var there fine.

    What was your dose/duration of either?

    And what were you running winny with when you experience joint pain?

    Was tren in the mix by any chance?

  39. #39
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Anaboxa34
    those are both 17aas so i would think stacking those two together would be very stressful on the liver.
    You do realise that's a blanket statement right?

    var + winstrol (i.e. 17aa+17aa) does not automatically mean more hepatoxic.


    50 mg Var + 50 mg winstrol... Would you say this is more hepatoxic than 100 mg Winstrol; or 100 mg Dbol; etc.??

  40. #40
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Mista Massive
    uh oh!

    i can see where this is headed

    Ditto... Like every other thread this week.

    Seems 1 out of every 3 threads this week have been about oral only cycles.. and hell it isn't even summer yet.

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