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Thread: DNP Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    DNP Log

    This is just a log of what I've done, maybe for the benefit of someone else at some point?!?!?!

    Started 24th Dec 2006 - 246lbs @ ~20%BF ** Checked my Journal, actually started at 23% according to scales **

    Finished 18th January 2007 - 227lbs @ ~17% (According to scales)


    I feel absolutely fine, no continuing side effects at all. I dropped to 224lbs on day 21 but my weight has now stabilised at 227lbs. I use my bathroom scales which have a bodyfat scanner built in to get my %bf readings. Have lost an estimated 19lbs/6%bf on a 2 week cycle, averaging nearly 10lbs per week!!

    The best thing is that I've noticed fat melt from areas I'd previously had trouble with, notably just above waist, neck and as strange as it may seem.... armpits!!

    I will be starting another course in 4 weeks, again this will probably be 2 weeks but with a front loading day and then a faster loading phase, and if possible I will try to put my needle phobia to rest and do IGF at the same time. Will see how things go!!


    250mg Crystal DNP Capsules - inc. Quercitin, Sibutramine, Guggelsterones & secret goodies!!

    Day 1 - 250mg DNP - Felt Energetic - 246lbs
    Day 2 - 250mg DNP - Felt Slightly Buzzy - 246lbs
    Day 3 - 250mg DNP - Felt Slightly Buzzy - 244lbs
    Day 4 - 250mg DNP - Not Buzzy, Warm - 243lbs
    Day 5 - 500mg DNP - Getting Warmer, Especially After Carbs - 244lbs
    Day 6 - 500mg DNP - Hot Nights, Sweating A Lot, Water Bloat - 242lbs
    Day 7 - 500mg DNP - Very Hot Night, A Little Tired - 241lbs
    Day 8 - 500mg DNP - Feeling Thirsty A Lot, Sweating 24/7 - 240lbs
    Day 9 - 500mg DNP - Felt Very Thirsty, Even More Sweating - 239lbs
    Day 10 - 500mg DNP - VERY Thirsty Today, Carb Cravings, SWEATING - 236lbs!!!
    Day 11 - 250mg DNP - Thirsty Again, Mega Carb Cravings, Light Headache All Day - 235lbs * Dropped a dose as I was feeling unwell & dehydrated *
    Day 12 - 500mg DNP - Not so thirsty, feeling much better than yesterday!! Added Pyruvate Today - 235lbs
    Day 13 - 500mg DNP & 20mcg Clen - Profuse sweating, lots of energy but very thirsty work!! - 233lbs
    Day 14 - 500mg DNP & 40mcg Clen - Profuse sweating again, no shakes, no thirst @ ~8litres water/day - 232lbs * Will be 750mg DNP tomorrow!! *
    Day 15 - 750mg DNP & 40mcg Clen - I know how the thanksgiving Turkey feels now!! - 232lbs
    Day 16 - 750mg DNP & 40mcg Clen - Smokin hot now, hon about 12litres of fluids/day!! - 232lbs
    Day 17 - 750mg DNP - Dropped the Clen, last day today too. Proper hot and bothered today!! - 231lbs
    Day 18 - Followed normal DNP cycle diet, still feeling very hot
    Day 19 - Followed normal DNP diet +~10% extra carbs, starting to feel more normal now
    Day 20 - Followed water recovery diet, 30% extra carbs and very very low fat.
    Day 21 - Same diet as Day 20.
    Day 22 - Same diet as Day 20 & 21.
    Day 23 - Resumed normal diet

    I'm going to continue this for a 21-day cycle. I'm monitoring my body temperature closely and regularly and as yet have not even come close to danger zone!!

    At present I plan to increase to 750mg DNP on day 14, then 500mg on Day 15, 750mg on Day 16 etc etc

    Everyday I'm taking:

    1200IU Vitamin E
    1000mg Vitamin C
    600mg Magnesium
    ~3g Potassium/Sodium
    1500mg Taurine
    32mg Ephedrine * Stopped Ephedrine @ Day 13 *
    200mg Caffeine
    40mg Aspirin
    Calcium Pyruvate (Unsure of dose as it doesn't say exactly!! But 2 capsules daily)
    1x Wellman Multi-Vitamin & Mineral

    Plus a few other bits but not sure of values so will add that tomorrow.


    No dairy products, 55:35:10 split on odd days and my normal maintenance diet on even days. I did plan on running the ultra-clean diet throughout but the food cravings have got the better of me. Next cycle I will supplement more sibutramine!! I'm also eating 3-4 oranges and an apple or 2 every day, I've found that the fruit makes me feel quite good!!

    I'm currently on about 5litres of water per day, 2litres of pineapple juice and 2litres of apple/grape/raspberry juice. So about 2 gallons of fluids in all. I keep all my juice and mineral water in a 0°C cooler, it's nearly frozen and sorta slushy. It cools me down inside just great!!


    With the Ephedrine I was still getting proper carb cravings, caught myself buying ice cream in the supermarket!! It was like I was ina daze or something coz I didn't even realise that I'd picked it up!!


    When I started the Clen the carb cravings went in an instant!! Not sure of the reason but thought it was worth mentioning.

    I also think it's worth adding that I'm taking T3 during this cycle, I do suffer from Hypothyroid however. I keep playing with the dosage, not really sure if it makes a lot of difference but I've decided to supplement @ 75mcg/ED from Day 15 onwards due to increased DNP dosage!!
    Last edited by Jay-Ace; 01-17-2007 at 07:48 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    great results so far bro, im curious as to what your bf levels are. Also are you noticing just mainly fat loss, or is there any muscle loss as well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    When you are using your dnp , are your workouts the same? same routine? cardio?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    great results so far bro, im curious as to what your bf levels are. Also are you noticing just mainly fat loss, or is there any muscle loss as well.

    I wouldnt bother measuring bf% whilst on the cycle as teh results will be grossly inaccurate.

    Definately mainly fat loss, and the main area is hips and neck!! Jeans are a nice bit looser now which is always good!!

    As for muscle loss, it's hard to say. I cant train as hard coz I just dont have the enthusiasm or energy, plus I'm sweating my ring off 24/7!!!

    I'm gonna be expecting a small amount of muscle loss, I'm researching tonight about supplementing Clen @ 20mcg/ED for anti-catabolic properties. DNP is anti-protolytic anyway but a little Clen can't hurt!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Jay-Ace
    I wouldnt bother measuring bf% whilst on the cycle as teh results will be grossly inaccurate.

    Definately mainly fat loss, and the main area is hips and neck!! Jeans are a nice bit looser now which is always good!!

    As for muscle loss, it's hard to say. I cant train as hard coz I just dont have the enthusiasm or energy, plus I'm sweating my ring off 24/7!!!

    I'm gonna be expecting a small amount of muscle loss, I'm researching tonight about supplementing Clen @ 20mcg/ED for anti-catabolic properties. DNP is anti-protolytic anyway but a little Clen can't hurt!!

    I'm up to 20mcg of clen per day now...first thing in the morning. Be careful as it kicks A LOT harder than usual due to DNP. Check out my log for links on pyruvate and cataracts.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Added Day 11

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Jay-Ace
    Added Day 11
    I think I'm going for 12-15 range. I think I can handle it. Support supps are on par....and on off days from work I can take more (400-600). So..we shall see. Have you used pineapple? It makes you feel better than normal!

  8. #8
    when you quit useing DNP will you gain all the weight you loss fairly quickly? it must just be a temporary loss...?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Sh0ckyam1nd
    when you quit useing DNP will you gain all the weight you loss fairly quickly? it must just be a temporary loss...?
    LOL...not to laugh AT's just funny to hear this in general. No weight can be gained unless you go back to a caloric surplus that exceeds your body's BMR (basal metabolic rate). This would mean extra calories that would be stored as adipose tissue. There is no rebound-fat-gain.

    Once you get off the DNP...about a week later, T3 levels are back to normal (unless they were always normal from taking guggul) eat super clean that week. Then you can eat as you did before (but not in a way that makes you gain fat)....and you WILL STAY LEAN.

    It is NOT temporary nor is it permanent. The choice is yours based on diet and training.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by liftin4life
    LOL...not to laugh AT's just funny to hear this in general. No weight can be gained unless you go back to a caloric surplus that exceeds your body's BMR (basal metabolic rate). This would mean extra calories that would be stored as adipose tissue. There is no rebound-fat-gain.

    Once you get off the DNP...about a week later, T3 levels are back to normal (unless they were always normal from taking guggul) eat super clean that week. Then you can eat as you did before (but not in a way that makes you gain fat)....and you WILL STAY LEAN.

    It is NOT temporary nor is it permanent. The choice is yours based on diet and training.

    Agreed!! ALthough I wouldnt suggest that taking the guggulsterones prevents the DNP from inhibiting the T4>T3 conversion process, it may do some damage limitation but your T3 levels will still drop!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Get some Pyruvate and though your supplements will support electrolyte levels, drink Gatorade to routinely replenish them.
    Last edited by magic32; 01-04-2007 at 07:06 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by Jay-Ace
    I wouldnt bother measuring bf% whilst on the cycle as teh results will be grossly inaccurate.

    Definately mainly fat loss, and the main area is hips and neck!! Jeans are a nice bit looser now which is always good!!

    As for muscle loss, it's hard to say. I cant train as hard coz I just dont have the enthusiasm or energy, plus I'm sweating my ring off 24/7!!!

    I'm gonna be expecting a small amount of muscle loss, I'm researching tonight about supplementing Clen @ 20mcg/ED for anti-catabolic properties. DNP is anti-protolytic anyway but a little Clen can't hurt!!
    Great to hear bro, keep up the good work, and keep us updated on your progress.

    best of luck to you

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    Great to hear bro, keep up the good work, and keep us updated on your progress.

    best of luck to you


    Added Day 12

    Went back to 500mg today as feeling much better, think I picked up a 24hr bug or something!!

    Also today I went and got another bottle of pyruvate.

    Quote Originally Posted by GHOST
    Get some Pyruvate and though your supplements will support electrolyte levels, drink Gatorade to routinely replenish them.
    Thanks bro, got some more pyruvate today and I'm taking 750mg of Lo-Salt (Potassium/Sodium) with every litre of water!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Added days 13 & 14.

    I've decided to go to 750mg for teh next few days and see how I react. I've got the central heating thermostat at 14°C and I still feel warm!!

    I'm also now eating 1/2 pineapple a day and have got some Calcium Pyruvate!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Great log bump

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Jay-Ace
    Added days 13 & 14.

    I've decided to go to 750mg for teh next few days and see how I react. I've got the central heating thermostat at 14°C and I still feel warm!!

    I'm also now eating 1/2 pineapple a day and have got some Calcium Pyruvate!!
    Haha...doesn't that pineapple make you feel GREAT on DNP? It made a world of difference for me. gotta come over to the promuscle board and check out the log there. People have been flaming me nonstop with "you're so careless and this is dangerous and risky" and I'm thinking....umm...this is coming from people who use slin and AAS allllll the time??? Crazy stuff.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Vancouver British Columbi
    Quote Originally Posted by liftin4life
    Haha...doesn't that pineapple make you feel GREAT on DNP? It made a world of difference for me. gotta come over to the promuscle board and check out the log there. People have been flaming me nonstop with "you're so careless and this is dangerous and risky" and I'm thinking....umm...this is coming from people who use slin and AAS allllll the time??? Crazy stuff.
    Guess they wouldn't want to hear from me (a woman) using DNP then would they lol. I love what people have to say that have never used this stuff before but only read stories! They really have no idea and try to hand out information like they have some kind of knowledge on the subject. We know what we can take and what we can't, our bodies let us know. I don't think using DNP is careless although I know I couldn't handle 750mg, but that doesn't mean you can't!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn
    Guess they wouldn't want to hear from me (a woman) using DNP then would they lol. I love what people have to say that have never used this stuff before but only read stories! They really have no idea and try to hand out information like they have some kind of knowledge on the subject. We know what we can take and what we can't, our bodies let us know. I don't think using DNP is careless although I know I couldn't handle 750mg, but that doesn't mean you can't!
    I know what you mean. Although you can learn a great deal from people who have not taken certain compounds, there ARE people who are parrots and will repeat anything they here...without doing proper research. If someone says something, I do my best to back it up with medical journals and studies on WebMD or PubMed, etc.

    The only way to know for sure what your tolerance is on a compound is through trial and error. But the fears of DNP are unfounded. If you take too much, you will die. If you take insulin without enough carbs, you will die. If you take a bottle of dbol per day for 6 will probably die or need a new liver. There are so many ways to mess up, yet so many people fear for the sake of others who KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING...who have DONE THEIR RESEARCH before they use something. You and I...have done our research. I have...I assume you have. Therefore, it is now up to us to determine our tolerance and support supplements. With knowledge we can prevent side effects and harmful outcomes. Blatantly flaming statements such as "that is dangerous or deadly" are ridiculous. There is no place for statements like that on an educational board. Maybe we should all post bulletins about "driving your car is dangerous! it's deadly! you could crash!".

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by liftin4life
    Haha...doesn't that pineapple make you feel GREAT on DNP? It made a world of difference for me. gotta come over to the promuscle board and check out the log there. People have been flaming me nonstop with "you're so careless and this is dangerous and risky" and I'm thinking....umm...this is coming from people who use slin and AAS allllll the time??? Crazy stuff.

    Yeah pineapple does make a huge difference!! I cant say for certain whether its a placebo effect or not, but I'm hooked on it now!!

    Today for the 1st time (with taking DNP on un-empty stomach) I've had some indigestion all day. Not very pleasant at all and not certain whats causing it. Gaviscon has done nothing for it either, think I'll cut the pineapple down.... Ate a whole 1 last night!!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Vancouver British Columbi
    Quote Originally Posted by Jay-Ace
    Added days 13 & 14.

    I've decided to go to 750mg for teh next few days and see how I react. I've got the central heating thermostat at 14°C and I still feel warm!!

    I'm also now eating 1/2 pineapple a day and have got some Calcium Pyruvate!!
    are you still using 750mg? How is that going for you, I know I couldn't handle the extra 250mg without staying home for a week. if i didn't have to go to work,I might be able to, but i'll stay at the 500mg for now.
    I ready some info on Calcium Pyruvate, do you think it really helps? I'm kind of under the assumption that it tries to do what DNP is already doing, and hence probably doesn't do much of anything while we are on DNP. Also read you need to take a lot of grams for it to really be effective. Just curious as to what you are finding first hand.

  21. #21
    Good log.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn
    are you still using 750mg? How is that going for you, I know I couldn't handle the extra 250mg without staying home for a week. if i didn't have to go to work,I might be able to, but i'll stay at the 500mg for now.
    I ready some info on Calcium Pyruvate, do you think it really helps? I'm kind of under the assumption that it tries to do what DNP is already doing, and hence probably doesn't do much of anything while we are on DNP. Also read you need to take a lot of grams for it to really be effective. Just curious as to what you are finding first hand.


    The pyruvate is involved in the conversion of certain blood sugars. Whilst taking DNP it has been shown that Galactose will not be converted as efficiently due to the fact that DNP significantly halts teh action of many enzymes in the body.

    Galactose is just 1 reason for getting cataracts!!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Jay-Ace

    The pyruvate is involved in the conversion of certain blood sugars. Whilst taking DNP it has been shown that Galactose will not be converted as efficiently due to the fact that DNP significantly halts teh action of many enzymes in the body.

    Galactose is just 1 reason for getting cataracts!!
    Lynn...if you read my DNP log and Jay's DNP log, I posted some links in one of those to some research. It has specific information about why Pyruvate is related to cataracts and how it may be beneficial to supplement with it. I'm taking 5-6g per day just to make sure. If I were female, I DEFINITELY would.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Vancouver British Columbi
    Quote Originally Posted by liftin4life
    Lynn...if you read my DNP log and Jay's DNP log, I posted some links in one of those to some research. It has specific information about why Pyruvate is related to cataracts and how it may be beneficial to supplement with it. I'm taking 5-6g per day just to make sure. If I were female, I DEFINITELY would.
    Thanks guys, that is definitely a good enough reason to be running it. Although cataracts are easily fixed today, who needs the hastle. I'll get some today for sure.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Update with results?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    interesting stuff mate, bump for results

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    interesting stuff mate, bump for results

    Results updated.

    Sorry for the delay, been having personal issues so not sat down and got journal out!!

    Any and all questions are welcome!!

  28. #28
    What is your weight after dropping the water? BF? Any notions as to %fat loss versus LBM?

  29. #29
    Sorry, wait - your editing method has confused me before - so is "Finished 18th January 2007 - 227lbs @ ~17% (According to scales)" now, after water loss?

    If we use the modified 23%BF, then you lost 19 pounds, 18 of which is fat? If we go back, skeptically, to 20%, then 10.6 pounds is fat. If the first is true that is amazing, if the second it is alarming.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Jay-Ace

    Started 24th Dec 2006 - 246lbs @ ~20%BF ** Checked my Journal, actually started at 23% according to scales **

    Finished 18th January 2007 - 227lbs @ ~17% (According to scales)


    I feel absolutely fine, no continuing side effects at all. I dropped to 224lbs on day 21 but my weight has now stabilised at 227lbs. I use my bathroom scales which have a bodyfat scanner built in to get my %bf readings. Have lost an estimated 19lbs/6%bf on a 2 week cycle, averaging nearly 10lbs per week!!

    The best thing is that I've noticed fat melt from areas I'd previously had trouble with, notably just above waist, neck and as strange as it may seem.... armpits!!

    I will be starting another course in 4 weeks, again this will probably be 2 weeks but with a front loading day and then a faster loading phase, and if possible I will try to put my needle phobia to rest and do IGF at the same time. Will see how things go!!
    /\ /\ /\ /\

    I would anticipate some loss of LBM, although not much. My strength seems to be the same, resting vitals are the same and overall I dont feel like I've lost much of any!!

    It's unreal just how much heat this stuff can produce, I would go to bed and wake up 3lbs lighter by morning!! I have chocolate coloured bed linen, every morning it would be covered in white patches of salt from sweating!! Had to wash the sheets everyday!!

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by vermin
    Sorry, wait - your editing method has confused me before - so is "Finished 18th January 2007 - 227lbs @ ~17% (According to scales)" now, after water loss?

    If we use the modified 23%BF, then you lost 19 pounds, 18 of which is fat? If we go back, skeptically, to 20%, then 10.6 pounds is fat. If the first is true that is amazing, if the second it is alarming.

    Looks like I'm too slow!

    Yeah have edited so somebody reading the thread for 1st time can get all info.

    When I started the thread I didn't have my journal with me, sometimes I leave it at work as it's also my work diary!!

    The correct %bf for Day 1 was indeed 23%, my scales do measure to 0.1%bf but i never bother to record that as I know this type of bf% measurement isn't particularly accurate anyway, hence the ~ (approximately) symbol.

    As of just this minute....

    Weight: 227lbs 5oz
    %bf: 17.4%
    LBM: 176lbs 9oz
    %H2O: 54.9%

    This is just the readings the scales give, my mate was hydrostatically tested a few weeks ago to be 169lbs 1oz @ 10.3%bf. I got him to jump on my scales about half hour later and they read within 1lb of his results and they said he was 11.0%bf. From this I've taken them to be "fairly" accurate. The main thing is that I always use the same scales so readings are always relative!!

    The LBM & %H2O readings the scales give are pretty much useless, the figures never add up and in the litttle handbook it says something about the LBM being calculated to include water held in muscles or some crap!! All i ever click on is weight & %bf!!

    I'm very pleased with results, I've got an eye test on Friday as well so will ask him to check for any signs of damage just to put my mind at rest!!

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Very pleased for you,well done.You truly did your research,lots of respect.A great detailed log for this board.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Thanks goose

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Very pleased for you,well done.You truly did your research,lots of respect.A great detailed log for this board.
    Agreed. Very nice results, too. Assuming that it is not made by a UGL can you name the manufacturer/model of your scale? Those sound like some good numbers from what is reportedly often not the most reliable method.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by vermin
    Agreed. Very nice results, too. Assuming that it is not made by a UGL can you name the manufacturer/model of your scale? Those sound like some good numbers from what is reportedly often not the most reliable method.

    If you want to cap your own DNP it`s a good idea.You would want a scale like these.

    However, I have noticed that some boards have posts from individuals offering to sell DNP capsules. DO NOT BUY DNP FROM THESE INDIVIDUALS!!! Let's get real for a moment. The dosage of DNP that can kill you is not significantly higher than that which is used to lose body fat. Since we are dealing with very small amounts of material, it's vitally important that the utmost care is taken when measuring DNP. Personally, my life is worth enough to me that I'm not going to trust some strangers skill in very precise measuring, unless that person has gone to school for years like a pharmacist,only a few guys I trust.So make sure you know what your doing if your going to cap it.Now the great thing about a substance like DNP is that it's very hard to get. Which means that the average guy probably won't be able to obtain it. My feelings on DNP are that if you are smart enough to obtain it in powder form, you are smart enough to use it properly.
    Last edited by goose; 01-18-2007 at 09:28 AM.

  36. #36
    Hi goose - good advice, but I was actually referring to his body weight/body fat scale!

    Also, no matter how you get the caps, I think that it is always smart to start slow with DNP, give 3-5 days at least before adding a cap, etc.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by vermin
    Hi goose - good advice, but I was actually referring to his body weight/body fat scale!

    Also, no matter how you get the caps, I think that it is always smart to start slow with DNP, give 3-5 days at least before adding a cap, etc.

    I got confused

    I made a very valid point,buying gear that is over-dosed is one thing,but DNP is another.

    Agreed only take one cap for the first Four days,it will let you test your tolerance: do you have an allergy? Does it give you a rash? etc.Very advanced users can front load.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by vermin
    Hi goose - good advice, but I was actually referring to his body weight/body fat scale!

    Also, no matter how you get the caps, I think that it is always smart to start slow with DNP, give 3-5 days at least before adding a cap, etc.

    They're Tanita InnerScan - Body Composition Monitor

    £40 odd from Argos

  39. #39

    Now, to be a real pain in the ass, do you have the model number (should be BCXXX I think)? I know sometimes models are night and day different....
    Last edited by vermin; 01-18-2007 at 02:18 PM.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by vermin

    Now, to be a real pain in the ass, do you have the model number (should be BCXXX I think)? I know sometimes models are night and day different....

    Fvckin hell u get me at it sometimes!!!

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