I have been doing 5 weeks on and 5 weeks off. Anyone stay on for longer periods? Opinions please.
I have been doing 5 weeks on and 5 weeks off. Anyone stay on for longer periods? Opinions please.
I usally do 4 weeks on and 3-4 weeks off . 15iu post workout. after about 3-4 weeks i stop seeing gains whats ur dosage
Beast.. You've got a PM.
I run mine post workout at 15IU too. Run it no more than 5 weeks straight and then 5 off. So for me thats no more than 5 injections of slin per week. I dont agree with people using it 2 or 3 times per day.
4-5 weeks straight is the most i'll run it for.
i use it year round only post workout and carb loads. whenever i go to the doctor for a bloodtest my insulin levels r still normal after a 1 yr no probs here
slin i find u downregulate real quick, if inject frequent (ED 1-3x) i would do just a few weeks, 2-4 a week i say run year round, not sure which i like best though.
I use to run it ED after working out. I have ran it for 6 months. Sometimes I come off for 4 weeks but I have ran it for an extended period.
My typical split is 2 days on 1 day off.
^^DvlDog i believe has been on for 2 years?
Personally i kept my own beliefs with regard to its use off the open forums.. because i know what we say influence the noobs even though we add disclaimers like 'not for noobs' to our posts.
That's why i PMed PB... as opposed to posting it.
I am on it for 6 years now stop only 6 weeks in the summer i eat than verry low carbs, and the holidays i want to eat with my kids and wife so not verry clean with slin than i would be verry fast FAT so no slin at that time.
Did a blood and urine check 2 weeks ago everything was fine.
I think it's nice to give your body a rest so I usually run it 4 weeks ON/OFF.
I use it PWO 2 days and 1 off...for no longer than 4 weeks....
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