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Thread: Started PROP/TREN A/VAR

  1. #1

    Started PROP/TREN A/VAR

    Jus took my first shot of my third cycle. 28yrs, 6'1, 205lbs, 10%bf.

    1-11 prop @ 150mg eod
    1-9 tren ace @ 150mg eod
    6-11 var @ 75mg ed
    1-15 l-dex @ .25mg ed
    1-15 B-6 @ 150mg ed
    12-15 nolv
    12-15 clomid

    Its my first time using tren ace, so i will see how it goes. have used prop and var before. first shot was smooth and pain free, first time i have shot 3cc's in one muscle...god it took forever!

    i have never had any sides from any of my previous compounds (touch wood), prop, tbol, var, dbol. i think i should be fine with the tren but if not, i have masteron on hand to switch if the sides become too much. lookin to put on some lean muscle.

    workout 5 day split, with 30-40 mins cardio post workout. will keep u guys informed.

    mon: chest/cardio
    tues: back/cardio
    wed: shoulders/cardio
    thur: arms/cardio
    fri: legs.
    sat: rest
    sun: rest

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    looks very nice, good luck brotha

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    a catbox full of shit
    Please keep this thread updated with your progress. This is about the exact same cycle I'm considering next although I may nix the var since the stuff is so damned expensive. I found a product thats masteron/tren a both at 100mg/ml that I may run instead. Looks good though, best of luck to ya.

  4. #4
    did my first shot yesterday: 1.5cc's prop + 1.5cc's tren in right quad (i only shoot my quads). its been 24hrs and there is not much pain. i remember my last cycle i used prop and the first few shots i couldnt move my legs (i am using the same brand gear...same batch). could it be that mixing with the tren has lessened the pain? or is it that my glutes are use to the injections from the last cycle (which was 4 months ago)?

  5. #5
    just did my second shot. half way through, the needle moved, and i could feel some pressure in my lungs. i knew straight away what it was cuz i have read other people's experience on here. i pulled out the needle, switched over, and injected the rest again. is that what i should do? or can i jus pul the needle back a bit and keep injecting?

    i also read that tren messes with the thyroid... should i be concerned about this? can i take anything to help this?
    Last edited by Taurus; 01-14-2007 at 12:52 PM.

  6. #6
    did my third injection today. had a few minor mishaps. i drew the prop out fine, but as i was pushing air into the vial of tren, i accidentaly ended up pushing the prop into the tren. i had to re-draw again. and to top it off, i shot into my right quad twice cuz both times i drew blood into the syringe when aspirating. so i switched over to my left quad and it went in fine; but the problem is i shot into my left quad just 2 days ago (i only do quad shots and alternate quads. i shoot eod). my questions are:

    1) the fact that i shot the prop into the vial of tren doesnt affect the gear in that bottle for future use does it? (apart from not knowing what mix of tren/prop will be withdrawn from the vial for each future shots)?

    2) shooting into the same muscle in the span of 3 days doesnt have any negative effects does it? like absorption of oil or something?

    these may sound like dumb questions but i would like to know. thanks.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    your shooting eod with the tren a? let me know how the sides are..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    in the future.. if you choose to fill your vials with air.. do it to both vials before you pull gear into your syringe.. this will prevent the mishaps.. also make sure your changing the pin before injecting.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Houston, Texas
    as for the thyroid issues, 25mcg t3/day should suffice...and yeah, i'm gonna watch this thread for the "omfg, i woke up this morning in a pond" post cycle's a killer ripper though, watch ur diet, good luck...


  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha-Male
    as for the thyroid issues, 25mcg t3/day should suffice...and yeah, i'm gonna watch this thread for the "omfg, i woke up this morning in a pond" post cycle's a killer ripper though, watch ur diet, good luck...

    the prop alone in my last cycle had me sweating like a madman. so i'm used to it. i just lay down some blankets underneath me and keep removing them when they get drenched. what did u mean by "post cycle's a ripper"?

    i always change the pin before injectiing. i've now figured out a way of not makin the same mistake again. i jus wanna know if my vial of tren is still good to use?

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Houston, Texas
    oh no buddy, not the prop, the friggin' tren, LOL. dude, maybe you'll get em, maybe you wont...and i meant it's a good cutter (diet/cardio necessary)...

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    VA - Formerly OH
    Why, if I may ask, arent you shooting ED?
    also, I wouldnt inject air into a fresh vial until you've drawn from it once. You'll create too much pressure and could pop the stopper off.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    a catbox full of shit
    i jus wanna know if my vial of tren is still good to use?
    Your tren will still be good to use, you just might end up with a little more prop eod until that vial is gone. Shouldn't be anything you need to be overly worried about. Just be careful and take your time, think about every step before you do them. Not trying to be condescending, just a reminder. I was clearing the air out of the pin after drawing it out (and before replacing the pin with a fresh one) and pulled the plunger right out of the barrel. Dumped an entire day's worth all over my hand. Didn't make a huge difference in the big picture but it screwed up my calculated amount over the course of the whole cycle and pissed me off. All that from not paying enough attention too early in the morning.

    Can't wait to try this cycle out though. I'm sure you're gonna be happy with the results as long as you apply yourself. Keep up the good work and find some more injection sites fer cryin' out loud!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I thought Tren A had to be shot ED?

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    VA - Formerly OH
    Quote Originally Posted by sundancekid
    I thought Tren A had to be shot ED?
    You're right. It should. So does prop. This cycle has "bad sides" written all over it.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Houston, Texas
    well, it's not written anywhere that prop HAS to be injected every day, i mean, yeah, more stable blood levels yada yada yada, but i promise you, the real world differences here are neglible...same for trenA

    btw, before you go there, ive done both ways, 13 years worth, and i'm telling you, NEGLIBLE. eod shots are fine...

  17. #17
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    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha-Male
    well, it's not written anywhere that prop HAS to be injected every day, i mean, yeah, more stable blood levels yada yada yada, but i promise you, the real world differences here are neglible...same for trenA

    btw, before you go there, ive done both ways, 13 years worth, and i'm telling you, NEGLIBLE. eod shots are fine...

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by MAXIMA5
    You're right. It should. So does prop. This cycle has "bad sides" written all over it.
    i've done prop eod before, kept 15lbs and had no sides. there are many people who do both compounds eod, and have no worse side effects than compared with doin it ed.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by sundancekid
    ah ha, you got me, NEGLIGIBLE...there, that better mr. 12-poster

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taurus
    i've done prop eod before, kept 15lbs and had no sides. there are many people who do both compounds eod, and have no worse side effects than compared with doin it ed.
    But MOST experience more sides with EOD shots.
    You wouldnt take your anavar every other day, would you? Of course not, because you arent afraid of popping pills.
    The hardest part of running tren/prop properly is dealing with daily injections and rotating sites with workouts.
    You need to overcome any fear you may have and find some more sites so you can shoot ED.
    Tris/Bis/Delts are a piece of cake after the first shot.
    Last edited by MAXIMA5; 01-16-2007 at 03:37 PM.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Houston, Texas
    eh, maybe with the tren...

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Houston, Texas
    now youre comparing prop with and oral? hmm...let him try both, see if he notices a difference...

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    VA - Formerly OH
    I'm comparing the half life of tren to the half live of a days dose of an oral

    Tren Acetate should be shot EVERY DAY. PERIOD. Why cut corners?

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Houston, Texas
    why do you say it's cutting corners? i'll match my gains from eod shots to anyone going ed...PERIOD...technically, some say to spread your pill doses out throughout the day, others say no, one single dose will do it...hell, why not shoot the prop every 6 hours, why cut corners...why not hook the shit up to an iv...i mean, i understand the basic scientific principle behind it, but in terms of actualized gains, you won't see the for sides, again, try it eod first, and if you can't manage the sides (puta) then go ed...

  25. #25
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    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha-Male
    now youre comparing prop with and oral? hmm...let him try both, see if he notices a difference...
    Let him. I tried both. And I noticed a difference. So to each his own.

    Anyways, i only saw this mentioned once but:


    Gotta start spot injecting bud...You dropped 3mls into your right quad TWICE in 48 hours. Holy shit.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
    Let him. I tried both. And I noticed a difference. So to each his own.

    Anyways, i only saw this mentioned once but:


    Gotta start spot injecting bud...You dropped 3mls into your right quad TWICE in 48 hours. Holy shit.
    i know. i've shot my delts and arms before, and i couldnt move em. the prop was just too much pain. i couldnt workout for a week. the quads are the only place i can take it. i do my glute every once in a while, but its just so awkward...

    in terms of ed shots. like i said, i did prop eod and had no sides with good gains. if the sides of tren are not tolerable, i have no choice but to switch to ed shots. i work 12 hrs a day, 6 days a week... trust me, its hard to do it every day.... but i'm trying.

  27. #27
    You need to switch up the your shots or you will have alot of scar tissue and abscess. It's not the deal with ed or eod shots it is the site where you inject. YOu need to start spot injecting like the others said or you shouldn't be doing it.

  28. #28
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    May 2006
    Tren A is fine injecting eod. Its got a life of 2-3 days. I'm injecting 100mg eod with no sides that I notice. Screw injecting prop every day. Im injecting eod and can bairly move as it is...Tried my bi for the first time yesterday...pains enough to make me switch to cyp. or eth. considering I cant move my arm.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghostRidedawhip707
    You need to switch up the your shots or you will have alot of scar tissue and abscess. It's not the deal with ed or eod shots it is the site where you inject. YOu need to start spot injecting like the others said or you shouldn't be doing it.
    Thank you.

    Gotta man up dude, or you are going to end up with a very bad infection. You CANNOT keep hitting the same site like that.

    BTW, another advantage of shooting ED is you don't have to stick 3mls of oil in one site.

  30. #30
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    VA - Formerly OH
    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
    Thank you.

    Gotta man up dude, or you are going to end up with a very bad infection. You CANNOT keep hitting the same site like that.

    BTW, another advantage of shooting ED is you don't have to stick 3mls of oil in one site.
    Finally, someone with some common sense joins the thread.

    If you two, (Taurus, Alpha) refuse to shoot ED and use different sites, maybe you should stick to Enathate and a single oral. And I can also guarantee my gains from ED injections will blow away the average joe who is afraid and shoots EOD.

    You talk a big talk about your gains from EOD, but you have nothing to compare it to since you have never run the two compounds correctly. If you want to shoot EOD, that/s fine, but don't keep insisiting it's the right way because it's not-and someone who doesn;t know any better will read this thread some day and you've just led them astray.
    Last edited by MAXIMA5; 01-17-2007 at 06:39 AM.

  31. #31
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    VA - Formerly OH
    Quote Originally Posted by ghoul000
    Tren A is fine injecting eod. Its got a life of 2-3 days. I'm injecting 100mg eod with no sides that I notice. Screw injecting prop every day. Im injecting eod and can bairly move as it is...Tried my bi for the first time yesterday...pains enough to make me switch to cyp. or eth. considering I cant move my arm.
    Yeah yeah,

    it hurts, I know. The pain goes away if you can push through it for a couple weeks. Trust me. The it's all down hill. The first 4 weeks if an ED Prop/tren cycle separates the men from the boys.
    Last edited by MAXIMA5; 01-17-2007 at 06:39 AM.

  32. #32
    bro,ur acting as if we are the only two people to have run this eod! look on this board, most people run it eod. before i started this cycle, i put it up for critique, and nobody told me to run it everyday.

    i dont shoot eod because i'm scared of injections or rotating injection sites. i dont know any other dude scared of needles and shooting eod... i do eod injections cuz i have run prop before like this, i had no sides and good gains.

    now, if the tren gives me problems, i'll switch to ed. i have no problem with that.

    i'm doing a pec injection tomorro, i have 23g 1" needles. my pecs are pretty it ok to put the needle all the way thru? i was lookin on ************** dot com and some of them have it all the way in, and some have it half way in?

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    VA - Formerly OH
    Let me know how the pec injection goes. That's the only site I havent hit yet (besides cavs of course).

    and by the way, I was mainly referring to tren ED. Since I'm running tren ED, I just shoot the prop with it in the same barrel. Now both are ED. Piece of cake after all your sites adjust to the pain the first few weeks.

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    a catbox full of shit
    Maxima, go for the pecs dude. Other than glutes, by far the most pain free site I've got.

  35. #35
    can i drink winny?

    ive heard if you take prop and an eye dropper you can put it in your eye its painfree and works wonders.

    LMAO sorry

  36. #36
    bump for pec injection. 1" needle all the way in pec or only half way?

  37. #37
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    Sep 2002
    I never go allll the way in. I always leave a little out.

    IMO, you will feel your way around, once youre in there. You'll figure it out...I'm just giving you my personal opinion.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    You guys need to try getting your gear made with ethyl oleate as the carrier. The injections are so painless you'll wonder if your gear is real! Another bonus is that the concentration of prop. (or tren. A, whatever) can be increased to 150 mg/ml (some say 200mg/ml) and still be painless.

    Here is a thread I found in the ANABOLIC STEROIDS LABORATORY if you want to see more.

  39. #39
    Join Date
    May 2006
    My prop is made with Ethyl oleate, and dosed at 200. Injections are painless, but you still get the aftermath of the prop.

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Houston, Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by MAXIMA5
    Finally, someone with some common sense joins the thread.

    If you two, (Taurus, Alpha) refuse to shoot ED and use different sites, maybe you should stick to Enathate and a single oral. And I can also guarantee my gains from ED injections will blow away the average joe who is afraid and shoots EOD.

    You talk a big talk about your gains from EOD, but you have nothing to compare it to since you have never run the two compounds correctly. If you want to shoot EOD, that/s fine, but don't keep insisiting it's the right way because it's not-and someone who doesn;t know any better will read this thread some day and you've just led them astray.
    why u gotta call people out? actually, i said that i've ran it both ways, and that's why i'm standing by my comments. you apparently haven't tried it both ways, and yet you're "guaranteeing" your results will "blow" away...don't get cocky just cuz you hang around here and post alot, alot of crap you read from other people mind long you been in the game bro? lemme tell ya, 13 years here, and i promise you, this everyday necessity shit wasnt around back in the day, and people were getting by JUST have your OPINION and i have mine, and there are people on both sides of the fence...i have never given anyone shit advice and led them astray, because in instances like these, i NEVER insist one way is better than the other...get off your high horse man...

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