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Thread: IGF-1 LR3 Users

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    IGF-1 LR3 Users

    I am thinking of starting a 4 weeker of this for my laging body parts such as my rear delts and biceps. I have read alot about this stuff and have had feedback both positive and negative. Some friends say it is 10x better than growth hormone, and very fast acting. Others have said it didnt do much to nothing but waste money.

    I am wanting to know if shooting 25mcg in each muscle worked (port workout of that part) will do much in terms of bringing that part up to proportion to other body parts? or does 50mcg in each (rear delt) better?

    I have started my Test / EQ/ NPP / DBOL mass cycle and really want to try the IGF-1 LR3, but I need more convincing (on objections) to its use! Please chime in and lemme know how it worked for you, and if it is worth the money.

    Thanks in advance bros!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I have not used mine yet, but from what i've read the combination of IGF-1 LR3 and MGF will yield the most gains. However as stated in many other posts, the gains are not instant as the use of this stuff simply increases muscle hyperplasia which in turn will leave more room for muscular development. So the true gains come after the cycle, however i've heard various accounts of MGF working pretty quickly and that the IGF will make you leaner.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by lifthard2005
    I am thinking of starting a 4 weeker of this for my laging body parts such as my rear delts and biceps. I have read alot about this stuff and have had feedback both positive and negative. Some friends say it is 10x better than growth hormone, and very fast acting. Others have said it didnt do much to nothing but waste money.

    I am wanting to know if shooting 25mcg in each muscle worked (port workout of that part) will do much in terms of bringing that part up to proportion to other body parts? or does 50mcg in each (rear delt) better?

    I have started my Test / EQ/ NPP / DBOL mass cycle and really want to try the IGF-1 LR3, but I need more convincing (on objections) to its use! Please chime in and lemme know how it worked for you, and if it is worth the money.

    Thanks in advance bros!
    There's a lot of pro's and con's going around in regards to long igf and whether it does any good to justify it's cost; also in regards to the optimum dosage. Myself I don't care and have been using it for the past month in my cycle and have 3ml's left and plan on using them all and will find answers based on my results.

    I've been inj. pwo bilaterally, 40mcgs each side, my bi's, tri's, delt's and pec's and do definitely notice a difference. Some people say anymore than 40mcgs is a waste and could grow your intestines, but others say it'd take higher doses than what I do.

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