Sup ya'll, I need all your experience and knowledge to help me decide the best route to acheive my goals.
Well... I was getting ready to go off but then I started contimplating staying on with Primo for 8-10wks then going off.
I was also thinking of mabey trying GH for the first time because it sounds like it would help more in the area that I'm looking to acheive. Here's what I'm trying to acheive. I've been cutting for some time now - with great results. Thanks to SwoleCat and his program. Actually this past week my body has changed before my eyes. I have never been this lean, vascular, and muscular in my life. However I've been on for some time now (very low doses) as well so I was planning on going off, but I want to keep the leaning out process going. I never thought it would be possible for me to get as low as 5% body fat but now I honestly feel like I can get there. I can see it in my sights and I want it so bad. I figure with the use of Primo or GH, I can stay in an anabolic enviornment while continuing to lean out, hold on to my lean mass and also let my Endogenous Test levels come back up to some what normality. So my question for you guys is what do you think would be best to acheive my goals? I will be posting some pictures as soon as I figure out how I can do it without a digi-cam. Thanks for you time.