This is just a log of what I've done, maybe for the benefit of someone else at some point?!?!?!
Started 24th Dec 2006 - 246lbs @ ~20%BF ** Checked my Journal, actually started at 23% according to scales **
Finished 18th January 2007 - 227lbs @ ~17% (According to scales)
I feel absolutely fine, no continuing side effects at all. I dropped to 224lbs on day 21 but my weight has now stabilised at 227lbs. I use my bathroom scales which have a bodyfat scanner built in to get my %bf readings. Have lost an estimated 19lbs/6%bf on a 2 week cycle, averaging nearly 10lbs per week!!
The best thing is that I've noticed fat melt from areas I'd previously had trouble with, notably just above waist, neck and as strange as it may seem.... armpits!!
I will be starting another course in 4 weeks, again this will probably be 2 weeks but with a front loading day and then a faster loading phase, and if possible I will try to put my needle phobia to rest and do IGF at the same time. Will see how things go!!
250mg Crystal DNP Capsules - inc. Quercitin, Sibutramine, Guggelsterones & secret goodies!!![]()
Day 1 - 250mg DNP - Felt Energetic - 246lbs
Day 2 - 250mg DNP - Felt Slightly Buzzy - 246lbs
Day 3 - 250mg DNP - Felt Slightly Buzzy - 244lbs
Day 4 - 250mg DNP - Not Buzzy, Warm - 243lbs
Day 5 - 500mg DNP - Getting Warmer, Especially After Carbs - 244lbs
Day 6 - 500mg DNP - Hot Nights, Sweating A Lot, Water Bloat - 242lbs
Day 7 - 500mg DNP - Very Hot Night, A Little Tired - 241lbs
Day 8 - 500mg DNP - Feeling Thirsty A Lot, Sweating 24/7 - 240lbs
Day 9 - 500mg DNP - Felt Very Thirsty, Even More Sweating - 239lbs
Day 10 - 500mg DNP - VERY Thirsty Today, Carb Cravings, SWEATING - 236lbs!!!
Day 11 - 250mg DNP - Thirsty Again, Mega Carb Cravings, Light Headache All Day - 235lbs * Dropped a dose as I was feeling unwell & dehydrated *
Day 12 - 500mg DNP - Not so thirsty, feeling much better than yesterday!! Added Pyruvate Today - 235lbs
Day 13 - 500mg DNP & 20mcg Clen - Profuse sweating, lots of energy but very thirsty work!! - 233lbs
Day 14 - 500mg DNP & 40mcg Clen - Profuse sweating again, no shakes, no thirst @ ~8litres water/day - 232lbs * Will be 750mg DNP tomorrow!! *
Day 15 - 750mg DNP & 40mcg Clen - I know how the thanksgiving Turkey feels now!! - 232lbs
Day 16 - 750mg DNP & 40mcg Clen - Smokin hot now, hon about 12litres of fluids/day!! - 232lbs
Day 17 - 750mg DNP - Dropped the Clen, last day today too. Proper hot and bothered today!! - 231lbs
Day 18 - Followed normal DNP cycle diet, still feeling very hot
Day 19 - Followed normal DNP diet +~10% extra carbs, starting to feel more normal now
Day 20 - Followed water recovery diet, 30% extra carbs and very very low fat.
Day 21 - Same diet as Day 20.
Day 22 - Same diet as Day 20 & 21.
Day 23 - Resumed normal diet
I'm going to continue this for a 21-day cycle. I'm monitoring my body temperature closely and regularly and as yet have not even come close to danger zone!!
At present I plan to increase to 750mg DNP on day 14, then 500mg on Day 15, 750mg on Day 16 etc etc
Everyday I'm taking:
1200IU Vitamin E
1000mg Vitamin C
600mg Magnesium
~3g Potassium/Sodium
1500mg Taurine
32mg Ephedrine * Stopped Ephedrine @ Day 13 *
200mg Caffeine
40mg Aspirin
Calcium Pyruvate (Unsure of dose as it doesn't say exactly!! But 2 capsules daily)
1x Wellman Multi-Vitamin & Mineral
Plus a few other bits but not sure of values so will add that tomorrow.
No dairy products, 55:35:10 split on odd days and my normal maintenance diet on even days. I did plan on running the ultra-clean diet throughout but the food cravings have got the better of me. Next cycle I will supplement more sibutramine!! I'm also eating 3-4 oranges and an apple or 2 every day, I've found that the fruit makes me feel quite good!!
I'm currently on about 5litres of water per day, 2litres of pineapple juice and 2litres of apple/grape/raspberry juice. So about 2 gallons of fluids in all. I keep all my juice and mineral water in a 0°C cooler, it's nearly frozen and sorta slushy. It cools me down inside just great!!
With the Ephedrine I was still getting proper carb cravings, caught myself buying ice cream in the supermarket!! It was like I was ina daze or something coz I didn't even realise that I'd picked it up!!
When I started the Clen the carb cravings went in an instant!! Not sure of the reason but thought it was worth mentioning.
I also think it's worth adding that I'm taking T3 during this cycle, I do suffer from Hypothyroid however. I keep playing with the dosage, not really sure if it makes a lot of difference but I've decided to supplement @ 75mcg/ED from Day 15 onwards due to increased DNP dosage!!