Jus took my first shot of my third cycle. 28yrs, 6'1, 205lbs, 10%bf.
1-11 prop @ 150mg eod
1-9 tren ace @ 150mg eod
6-11 var @ 75mg ed
1-15 l-dex @ .25mg ed
1-15 B-6 @ 150mg ed
12-15 nolv
12-15 clomid
Its my first time using tren ace, so i will see how it goes. have used prop and var before. first shot was smooth and pain free, first time i have shot 3cc's in one muscle...god it took forever!
i have never had any sides from any of my previous compounds (touch wood), prop, tbol, var, dbol. i think i should be fine with the tren but if not, i have masteron on hand to switch if the sides become too much. lookin to put on some lean muscle.
workout 5 day split, with 30-40 mins cardio post workout. will keep u guys informed.
mon: chest/cardio
tues: back/cardio
wed: shoulders/cardio
thur: arms/cardio
fri: legs.
sat: rest
sun: rest