lets hypothesize that if i did a split, chest at 4pm and triceps at 9 pm, took humulin-r 8 IU at 5, would it be ok to take another 8 IUs after the 9pm triceps? just curious, wans't too sure even after reading...thanks
lets hypothesize that if i did a split, chest at 4pm and triceps at 9 pm, took humulin-r 8 IU at 5, would it be ok to take another 8 IUs after the 9pm triceps? just curious, wans't too sure even after reading...thanks
only thing i would worry about is sleeping, if your training triceps at 9 pm, for 30-45 minutes that means you would be taking a shot of slin at approx 930 that means you would have to stay up to at least 1230-1 at the minimum, unless you are an extremely experienced user, i would suggest taking your slin earlier, or using humalog after your night workout
Humulin-R lasts for about 4 hours and 8iu's is not a low dose. It will still be active at 1 AM. One thing you should NEVER do is fall asleep while the slin is active. Also, if your GF invites you to a late night cardio session while the slin is still active, you could wind up hypo very easily. You deplete your glycogen stores with the exercise. You get done, lie down, fall asleep, and then go hypo. You could die in your sleep, like that New Orleans bodybuilder did. I think its a very bad idea, Bro.
My concern is going hypo during your 2nd workout...just make sure you keep some sugars on hand.
thanks for the help guys, i figured as much it'd be active till around 1.30, and its a good thing i didn't take it because she did hit me up for that late night cardio at around 1 o clock, 2 times nonetheless, so hypo was a possability, lol. thanks for the help and suggestions, if i plan on doing a split and taking it later ill use the humalog, take care guys
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