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Thread: Few questions

  1. #1

    Question Few questions

    1. Are calories more important to the anabolic aspect of a steroid than to the androgenic ?

    2. What effects are the anabolic and androgenic characteristics responsible for? I have a basic idea but I hope someone can get moer specific.

    3. The androgenic ratio is determined by the strength to which any given steroid binds to teh androgen receptor right? How is the anabolic ratio determined then ? By the amount of nitrogen retention it causes ?

    Thanks you guys.

  2. #2

    For Hooker maybe...?

  3. #3
    Bump I guess.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    A Van down by the river



    You're crack pipe exploded! YOUR HEAD IS ON FIRE, MAN!

  5. #5

  6. #6
    I am serious just in case anyone thought these questions were a joke or something........

  7. #7
    Quit acting like you all have something better to do on a saturday night that analyze my inqueries regarding steroids.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Is it hot in here?

  9. #9

    They are questions, what the hell.......?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    it's a good question skully, but i don't think anyone knows exactly. haha

  11. #11
    I think they do actually!

    we'll see......

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    i'm sure they will get around to ya

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    I'll help by keeping your thread near the top...otherwise you will get lost in the crowd...

  14. #14

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    I'll take a shot at number 2, although I'm not sure if this is what your looking for. It's an exert from 'Chemical Muscle Enhancement:'
    Male personality characteristics lke aggressiveness
    Increased oil production by the skin
    Thicker, more dense facial and body hair
    Growth of prostate tissue
    Developement of testes and sperm
    Deeper voice
    Icreased sex drive
    Increases adrenalgenic activity
    Decreased catabolic activity
    Faster recuperation
    Reduced fat deposits
    Icreased Muscle Mass
    Increases immune function
    Male pattern fat deposits
    Reduced body fat
    Increased electrolyte production
    Increased hemoglobin and red blood cell count
    Increased calcium deposits in bones
    Increased nitrogen retention
    Increased protein synthesis
    Decreased catabolic ratio

    *These lists are not a complete list of "negative side" effects: Only distinct characteristics, and the role or function plyed by each"

    Again not sure if that what your lookin for, just tryin to add to your discussion.

  16. #16
    thanks, right on actuallly! And I have that damn book!

    Now for the rest.......

  17. #17
    Are the anabolic properties what is responsible for trenbolones (For exampl, though I wonder if the androgenic aspect plays a role as well) "Nutrient partitioning" ability..? Don't all anabolics have this property then ?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    i can answer some of ur question (at least partly).. first of all the whole anabolic/androgenic thing is purely an artificial division, they are not very concretic.. to my knowledge it doesnt have any correlation to the binding to the androgen receptor (i mean u cant say that the binding to the AR recpetor determines the androgenic characteristics more than th anabolic, basicly it could be so to an extent but u still cant say it IMO) Both the anabolic and androgenic properties are mediated through the AR (at east partly) and thus there prolly wont be a steroid that will be purely anabolic... unless some sort of muscle specifity can be developed... ... The anabolic androgenic ratio is artificially though of an index which is usually measured in lab-animals by measuring the increase of size of some muscle (maybe m.levator ani) and the androgenic part is measured by the effect on some part of the prostate.. it is supposed to give some sort of an estimation on how anabolic or androgenic a given compound is, but correlation with clinical practice has not been so good..

  19. #19
    thanks hippo

  20. #20
    Bump for the hell of it

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