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Thread: just wondering ...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    just wondering ...

    what happens if you got to ur natural limit or you had been training for 5 years, then you did a cycle and gained say 25 lbs then stopped cycling forever but carried on training, good diet etc, would you lose the gains made on the roids or would you start to lose the natural gains as well?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    you will loose some of the gains once you come off cycle, if you run a good PCT and all you might just loose 5lbs.

    IMO the loss of gains overtime, is mostly dependent on your diet and training. These two factors will need to be looked at even to a higher degree, and appropriate changes need to be made in an effort to keep as much of the gains you made off your cycle.

    Keep in mind that you need to work extra hard when off cycle, because your not on gear anymore, and keeping or gaining naturally will require alot of work on your part.

    I know it sounds easy to say, one cycle gain 20lbs, then just eat good train good and ill be able to hold it. But its a different story bro, diet needs to be spot on and training solid to keep gains. Missing meals or workouts will no doubt cause you to loose gains, maybe not in a week, not a month, but eventually.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    you will loose some of the gains once you come off cycle, if you run a good PCT and all you might just loose 5lbs.

    IMO the loss of gains overtime, is mostly dependent on your diet and training. These two factors will need to be looked at even to a higher degree, and appropriate changes need to be made in an effort to keep as much of the gains you made off your cycle.

    Keep in mind that you need to work extra hard when off cycle, because your not on gear anymore, and keeping or gaining naturally will require alot of work on your part.

    I know it sounds easy to say, one cycle gain 20lbs, then just eat good train good and ill be able to hold it. But its a different story bro, diet needs to be spot on and training solid to keep gains. Missing meals or workouts will no doubt cause you to loose gains, maybe not in a week, not a month, but eventually.
    I agree.
    From experience I would suggest that if you gained 25lbs on a first cycle you would be chewing on the bit to get your next one lined up. I don't know anybody that has done one cycle and then stopped using AAS'. It's a psychological thing for me - when I'm on I'm flying and when I'm off it's a hard slog at times. But theoretically if you ate right and trained hard I don't see why you would lose too much.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    yer its just that i was planning a 12 week, dbol + test e cycle starting end of feb and by the time iv ran my pct iv got a couple of holidays abroad within about a month of each other around the end of june july so i know my trainings going to be ****ed around with abit over the summer, you think its worth running the cycle or am i going to lose weight big time? or should i wait till after the summer? haha its just i was abit excited and eager to get on with my 1st proper cycle as iv got my gear on its way

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Golds Gym
    Its solely will depend on you bro, and how bad your dedicated and how hard your willing to work to gain, and keep gains.

    IMO if one is dedicated enough to their diet/training nothing will stand in the way of getting meals and workouts in, even if you are on a holiday.

    You know yourself and your body better than anyone here, so i would say take some time to look at the overall picture. Will you beable to get workouts and meals in at a consistent basis to gain, and get optimal results from the cycle, and once your on vacation, will you still be dedicated enough to keep this going.

    Make an educated decision that will let you get optimal results from your cycle.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Under the bar!
    Quote Originally Posted by web_uk_builder
    yer its just that i was planning a 12 week, dbol + test e cycle starting end of feb and by the time iv ran my pct iv got a couple of holidays abroad within about a month of each other around the end of june july so i know my trainings going to be ****ed around with abit over the summer, you think its worth running the cycle or am i going to lose weight big time? or should i wait till after the summer? haha its just i was abit excited and eager to get on with my 1st proper cycle as iv got my gear on its way
    Personally I'd go ahead - unless you're holidaying in the middle of now where you'll be able to find a gym somewhere - a couple of sessions a week on each holiday using compound movements (keeps training time to a minimum) should keep the training in check - what will be more difficult perhaps is your diet whilst away.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    yer the gym part will be easy, i dont think theres a gym at the hotels im staying in although there will definatly be ones near where im staying, i think im just going to have to keep an eye on the alcohol intake (i no this isnt a good thing but its a lads holiday) and make sure i take aload of sups with me to help with the diet and find the nearest semi decent place, im pretty sure piyelia is good for you?

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    This varies on may things and i feel its an individual thing, good solid PCT,diet,training program are all contributing factors and your genetics play a big a big part on how muscle muscle your frame will hold naturally

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    well my training and diet are pretty good, just have to try and keep it up when on my holidays, my cycle is

    weeks 1 - 12 test e 500 mg. although mite shorten this to 10 weeks
    weeks 1 - 4 dbol 50 mgs per day
    weeks 13 - 16 nolva 40 mgs per day
    weeks 14 - 18 clomide 50 mgs per day

    is there any need for hgc as well? or do i need to run pct longer?

    oh yer one more thing, whos in the uk, what colour pins are 1.5 inch and iv seen on the board the needle exchange gives you all the equipment you need?
    Last edited by Crest; 01-21-2007 at 12:26 PM.

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