I came up with this idea last night for a website... For those of you who don't know, I work in a call center. I dont know whether or not I should mention which oneBut anyways it a GREAT job for any college student, especially if you're into lifting. You can sit on your ass all day and eat in between calls. Just make sure you work for a low key program. Not a big name company. Well I constantly come up across assholes who need to be put in their place. I deal with people who are purchasing cars. These people are Rude, inconsiderate, and everything else you can think of. I love my job. I love talking with people. But when some of these people dont get their way they take it out on me. Im actually at work right now. I just got a call from someone who sprained their ankle and is having a hard time getting around. He couldnt get something he wanted and I tried my hardest to explain why that just could not happened. He replied with "I hope that someday you're crippled and no one wants to help you out." Now what did I do to deserve something like that? We gather all of these peoples info...first, last name, street address, telephone number, Email ect. for someone like this as of right now all I do if sign them up for alot of shit on the internet when it comes across. But what I wanna do is design some sort of website that recognizes these assholes. Any Suggestions? haha