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Thread: question regarding gh for 22 year old

  1. #1

    question regarding gh for 22 year old

    I have made the commit do trying out growth hormone, I have done cycles in the past. I have been running 3ius ed for 2 weeks.I know that the path of growth will be an expensive one and I really just need honest advice. I really want to know if i am wasting my time or not. After college I will be having a couple try outs for candian and arena football. I was hopeing this would give me that extra thing I needed to push me to the next level

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by redhawk93
    I have made the commit do trying out growth hormone, I have done cycles in the past. I have been running 3ius ed for 2 weeks.I know that the path of growth will be an expensive one and I really just need honest advice. I really want to know if i am wasting my time or not. After college I will be having a couple try outs for candian and arena football. I was hopeing this would give me that extra thing I needed to push me to the next level

    What are your stats? GH is an expensive way to go, and a slow process at that, u need to be committed to it for at LEAST 6 months, and 3 iu's/day will get you SOME results, but nothing spectacular as far as size goes. I like IGF-1 better, it's cheaper and faster

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    dont expect much from GH at your age..3 IU's is more of a therapeutic dose and you may get a little fat burning properties from it, but dont expect any muscle mass from it..IGF would be a better option at your age

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    To be honest I think you are wasting your time and money. the statements above are true, there are better ways to spend that money to get the results you want

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    If you use the GH in the correct manner, it can still benefit you greatly, even at your age. But, the above mentioned advice is is a longer commitment than a cycle or IGF. I stand by my belief that every cycle should be paired with atleast 10 iu/wk to keep joint integrity at it's peak. Good luck.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    If you are looking to do well at these tryouts, you may in fact, want to do a smart cycle with about 100mcg of IGF-Lr3. Although I haven't used IGF, I understand that it does work quicker than GH. Hope all goes well.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by jdavis2007
    If you are looking to do well at these tryouts, you may in fact, want to do a smart cycle with about 100mcg of IGF-Lr3. Although I haven't used IGF, I understand that it does work quicker than GH. Hope all goes well.

    I think 100iu's/day for a first timer, at his age, is too high. I'd say 40-50mcg eod. But thats just my opinion

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    wat kind of hgh u on? can u run a cycle while on hgh?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    If I were you I would just put my time and money on AAS and forget the GH, IGF, MGF etc etc. You wont be able to beat the gains you can get from AAS, and the cost is worlds apart. I think if you were to get anything significant out of the GH you would have to go at least 8 IU/day. Im 37 yrs old and run GH at 3IU/day off cycle and up to 8 IU during cycle and havent seen dramatic results, results yes but nothing spectacular.

  10. #10

    question about gh 22 year old trying out for candian and arena footbball

    Thanks for the info guys, i do have enough money to run it for at least six months and i will make the commitment to go even longer than that if nessecary, but you guys do insist i do go on something else. I am not sure what is this igf 1? Would you guys be able to throw me a sample cycle. My stats are 6'1 255. about 19% body fat. The scouts want me to trim up a little and get to about 270 to 275?

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