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Thread: HGH Permanent Damage?

  1. #1

    Question HGH Permanent Damage?

    Hello to everyone,

    My english is not the best but I try my best.

    I’m really scared and this is the story.

    A 6 weeks ago I started using HGH from a US compounding pharmacy, 2IU a day 6 on 1 off after using it for 3 weeks I was already having bad sides (pain in my shoulder similar to a rotator cuff pain and pain and numbness in my hands), the last one being the worst since I can’t even make a hard fist.

    I then stop using the HGH for a week the shoulder got a little better but not the hands, I then decide to try maybe 1IU a day to see if it can fix my hand problem but after only 3 days at 1IU per day the numbness is even worst so I stop it again its being 1 week since that and numbness and pain in the hands still the same.

    Im really worried I can’t even do chest or shoulder press with out pain in the hand.


    Can it be an allergic reaction to the HGH since the dose was low and timeframe short for serious sides to occur?

    Is there something I can do to reverse it, or the damage to my nerves is permanent?

    Some important stats:

    I started using HGH because My IGF-1 was 130

    My wrist is about ½ inch thicker than before.

    Thanks for your support

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could
    Quote Originally Posted by ericimage
    Hello to everyone,

    My english is not the best but I try my best.

    I’m really scared and this is the story.

    A 6 weeks ago I started using HGH from a US compounding pharmacy, 2IU a day 6 on 1 off after using it for 3 weeks I was already having bad sides (pain in my shoulder similar to a rotator cuff pain and pain and numbness in my hands), the last one being the worst since I can’t even make a hard fist.

    I then stop using the HGH for a week the shoulder got a little better but not the hands, I then decide to try maybe 1IU a day to see if it can fix my hand problem but after only 3 days at 1IU per day the numbness is even worst so I stop it again its being 1 week since that and numbness and pain in the hands still the same.

    Im really worried I can’t even do chest or shoulder press with out pain in the hand.


    Can it be an allergic reaction to the HGH since the dose was low and timeframe short for serious sides to occur?

    Is there something I can do to reverse it, or the damage to my nerves is permanent?

    Some important stats:

    I started using HGH because My IGF-1 was ***

    My wrist is about ½ inch thicker than before.

    Thanks for your support
    sounds to me like the GH was doing just what it was suppose to.. new use of GH typically causes some joint swelling in the begining.. can't believe your wrist is 1/2 " thicker from 3 weeks GH, so i'm not sure what's going on there for ya..

    as for the continued pain or swelling, i'd look to your diet to determine sodium intake or other factors..

    good luck
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Dude, those are just sides of some excellent quality stuff. Sides = very
    good stuff. Just don't eat or drink anything but water one hour before
    of after shot. In your situation maybe 2 hours. Reduce dosage. You
    have a common side. It will definately go away. Stop for a few days
    and reduce the amount. If sides come back stop a few days and reduce
    amount. If sides come back just STOP.

  4. #4
    But I stop using it for over a week with out any change in hand symptoms is not getting better thats what scare me

    one week off and no improvement on symptoms!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Sometimes it takes longer than a week to get rid of sides. I would
    stop until sides go away. Just my opinion. Your current open vial
    might go bad. In my opinion you have some extrremely strong stuff.
    It makes me want to get some.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ericimage
    But I stop using it for over a week with out any change in hand symptoms is not getting better thats what scare me

    one week off and no improvement on symptoms!
    It took me five or six weeks to come back to normal after I had the problems with the hands dude

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    A Van down by the river

    Say what???

    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    It took me five or six weeks to come back to normal after I had the problems with the hands dude
    I had no idea GH had these kinds of potential sides. GULP!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Halfcenturian
    I had no idea GH had these kinds of potential sides. GULP!
    it varies from person to 4iu's, ive experienced minimal sides

    just the occasional minor numbness of fingers & hands

  9. #9
    do you think it might be overdose that in fact I was ingecting mor active ingredient than the 2 ius

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by plzr8
    it varies from person to 4iu's, ive experienced minimal sides

    just the occasional minor numbness of fingers & hands

    I'm on GH for the first just finished my second week. I'm only using 1 i.u. per day - 6 days a week. I too have a little of the numbness in my hands, at night especially. It feels like as if your hands go to sleep. So far it's tolerable.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by kevlev1
    I'm on GH for the first just finished my second week. I'm only using 1 i.u. per day - 6 days a week. I too have a little of the numbness in my hands, at night especially. It feels like as if your hands go to sleep. So far it's tolerable.
    yup very common, should gradually get better

    although, not that bad of a side anyway

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