I will be using LR3IGF-1 for the next little while in hopes to heal my shoulder tendon injury. My doctor says that it's just inflamation at this point and to avoid most upper body exercises. I am to avoid all exercises that involve shoulder rotation so as not to aggravate the injury. I have been injured for about 2 months now.
To speed up recovery I will be sticking to the following bodyparts:
- legs/calves
- biceps/triceps/abs
- back
- shoulder: internal/external rotator cuff "stretches" only (I will do these every other day)
**Also, I feel the injured ligament in my left shoulder stretch when I carry heavy dumbells at my side, so I'm thinking to avoid shrugs as well.
For my IGF protocol, I was thinking of using a variation of Grunt's protocol. I will be pinning bilaterally into my shoulders immediately PWO @ 10mcg a side only.
I was also contemplating taking HRT doses of test (Omnadren - since that's all I have in stock right now) @ 250mg/week.
The IGF will last me quite some time at that dose, but the Omnadren will be good for only 10 weeks. I will also be supplementing with creatine/bcaa/taurine and at least 1000mg of Vitamin C and 800 IU's of Vitamin E on top of my regular nutrition. My doctor prescribed me anti-inflammatory meds but I'll try to live without them as the pain is not that great anyway. I am also following the standard RICE treatment as well.
What do you think?