bros i shot 20mcg of igf-1 lr3 and am extremly dizzy right now. i feel very faint. why do i feel like this.
i shot 20mcg of igf1 into my left delt after a back workout.
I drew 20mcg of igf1 and mixed it with 20mcg of water. 40mcg total into my lateral head.
this is my first shot of igf and it has me scared. i mixed 2ml of AA into my 1000mcg igf vial and gently swirled it until throroughly mixed, then drew it out as i mentioned.
i used a 1ml slin pin. should i have used 20mcg igf and 40mcg dilution? (60mcg of fluid total???)
Please reply and help me as quick as possible. Why do I feel so dizzy and what should I do right now?