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Thread: igf-1, hgh and AAS cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    igf-1, hgh and AAS cycle

    Ive read up on all of the above and have decided I am going to do a cycle of test/var/T4/HGH. (750mg test/wk, 50mg var/day, 200mcg T4 (???), 5ius HGH (5on 2off)

    First of all, is the above all sound like a good enough cycle?? PCT and other complexities left out for now to keep it simple.

    So, I was thinking about adding in IGF-1 to the above cycle from ARR. Would this be a good idea and also, I dont have any idea of how to add this or take it. For EG, could I inject the IGF-1 with the HGH at the same time??

    Anyway, any thoughts or ideas are welcome,

    Thanks a lot,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    is there a reason nobody is replying to this? Have I stated something stupid at all??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I am no expert but your cycle is pretty similiar to the one I am on at the moment. I am waiting for my IGF and I think it would be a good one to add. I am going to be shooting 50 mcg a day in spilt doses. Guess it all depends what your trying to do. I am doing two week cutting cycles followed by a 2 week mini bulk cycle and am going to use the igf on the bulking leg. Hopefully the igf will add muscle and stop me from gaining fat with the calorie excess.

    I would be splitting the doses of hgh and shooting the igf at the same time. To me, the T4 dose looks high. I use 75 mcg a day. T4 causes lethargy, best to use it after at least 5 hours of fasting and 1 hour prior to a meal to minimise lethargy.
    Last edited by Skills; 02-02-2007 at 02:45 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    On the end of a Needle
    I just started my T4 into my HGH cycle at 100 mcgs ..this was what I came up with after tons of research ,u could actually do less than that so 200 mcgs is a bit much ed imo.
    I also would start the HGH up to 3 mths before starting the AAS...also something widely done.

    Test Prop or Enan?

    Have u ever done HGH or IGF by themselves before?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    thanks guys

    Ive never done hgh or igf before. just 2 cycles of test. and I would be using test enth twice weekly.

    im really confused as to how and when and how much to use with regards to the igf and hgh. Also, what are the benefits of doin the hgh 3months before starting aas??

    thanks again


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    OK ive been doing more research.

    Ive came up with a cycle which is 6mnths hgh @ ~4-5ius 2on1off (days). LR3 IGF-1 @ 40mcg 2on1off. T4 @ 100mcg ED (The whole 6mnths or how long?).

    2 months down the line (chose 2 instead of 3 to reduce time!) start Test E @ ~750mgs EW for 12wks, Anavar @ 40mg ED the last 6weeks (These 6 inc 2wks into PCT of AAS).

    I think that the above should be a really good (Albeit, really expensive cycle!). What are you oppinions?? Any thoughts are greatly appreciated (I wont do Slin AT ALL tho)

    Thanks guys


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    On the end of a Needle
    That sounds good to me ..I guess the T-4 is good the whole way? Not positive though.
    Just a note.... I read u have to take the T4 on an empty stomach for it to be effective.

    Ive used IGF once and I thought it was ok but I have my doubts that it's all whats it's said to be.I think the jury is still out on that one as far as I'm concerned.

    Why won't u use slin?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I wont use the Slin because of the dangers. Its just too risky, you have to get the dosage exactly rite and at the rite times or it can mess you up. at least wth the other things I use, get them wrong a bit and there not a great deal that can go wrong.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    oh yeah and thanks BTW.

    Ive just realised, that the IGF comes in 1mg vials. I think Ive worked out that you would need around 2.4mg which means you need to buy 3 of them which bumps the price up a lot from just the 2 that I was going to buy!!

    Anyone know how I can drop this down to 2 vials??? Would be great if it was only a slight loss in benefits but a big drop in price!


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Can someone please help out with how you would use the HGH and IGF-1 combo. For example if I was to do the below ramp protocol for HGH, then how would I include the IGF-1 into the cycle??

    Weeks 1-4 = HGH 2.5 IU’s one injection
    Week 5 = HGH 3.0 IU’s one injection
    Week 6 = HGH 3.5 IU’s split into two injections of 1.75 IU’s each
    Week 7 = HGH 4.0 IU’s split into two injections of 2.0 IU’s each
    Week 8 = HGH 4.5 IU’s split into two injections of 2.25 IU’s each
    Week 9 = HGH 5.0 IU’s split into two injections of 2.5 IU’s each

    Can I add the IGF-1 in with the HGH and shoot them at the same times??

    I havent had chance to research into the IGF-1 timings etc but if someone could help out that would be great.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I've used IGF for 4wks @ 40mcg's 3x awk in Chest, Bi's and Tri's. Results were great, gained 6lbs and had to adjust my belt size twice (make it smaller). The pumps were awesome and workouts were awesome, had some strength gains also. The 6lbs I gained were even after I"ve been on for 6 months of gear (different componds).


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Cycle looks good. Although I am a little confused about the igf. I have it on good advice that the best time to take it is within 5 minutes pwo for absolute killer results. However, people seemed to get great results taking it just about anyway, although split daily doses do seem better. One further point which I am not sure you have considered is that IGF needs to be cycled 4won/4woff due to the body adapting to it. Prolly need to take this into account imo.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    inject IGF into the muscle worked as soon as possible after working need to inject it every day

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    so IGF is intramuscular?? Can I use a Slin pin for them??

    thanks a lot

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    yes you need to use a slin pin b/c the amount you shoot is very small...make sure to get .5cc slin pins for the most accurate dosing

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    never used them before, just 22g pins so i guess they will feel like nothing eh!

    So, Im still confused a little on the protocols to take all this.

    I will be doin 2 days on and 1day off of HGH, then basically, I will just shoot the IGF on the days I train, into the muscle that I trained - correct?? So if, for some reason I had to have a week off, should I shoot the IGF still rather than miss quite a few days and also, due to the fact my training days change all the time (I sometimes do 6-7days per or other times just 2-3times) Should I shoot the IGF everyday then?

    I normally run my days like this - day1=chest, 2=back, 3=legs, 4=arms, 5=shoulders, 6+7=days off. But sometimes, the days off dont land like that.

    If I stuck with the above schedule then could I work through all of that and shoot the IGF each time I trained that muscle THEN, when I go through that cycle with all muscles, DONT shoot the IGF. That would be 2 cycles of training that I would have done so could I continue with that throughout my cycle??

    I wont be able to start my whole cycle until Ive finished working in the US so it will be a while yet sadly!

  18. #18
    Hey man...this is what i taking a lose dose (20mcg a day) of igf1 since i read an ariticle made by dave palumbo saying anything above 50mcg and ur growing ur u can take 50mcgs a day if u makes sense since your body only makes like 1mcg of igf1...why takes 100x the amount, the igf1 will attach to ur guts receptors...taking a lower dosage, the igf1 will attach to the injection site's local igf1 receptors and minimal, if any, will go to ur gut's...well anyway this is what i do and it works greatly

    Day 1- Chest and Tris. I'll 10mcg im both my tris

    Day 2- Back. I'll shoot 10mcg in both lats

    Day 3- off. I'll shoot 10mcg in both shoulders

    Day 4- Shoulders and Biceps. I'll shoot 10mcg in each bicep

    Day 5 - Legs. I'll shoot 10mcgs in each quad

    Day 6- off. I'll shoot 10mcgs in each calf

    Day 7- off. I'll shoot 10mcg in each pec

    Notice every single muscle group gets its share of igf1, so they are happy.. also my training split ensures that no muscle gets over trained...I like my split and ive been getting great results...thats just the way i do things .. by the way, u need to use slin pin...Some dudes just take igf 1 PWO only and are ok, from what ive read. However i dont think its wise to just take a week boy ran Igf1 at a low dosage for 50 days and said it was awesome...Thats cause a lower dosage wont such off ur receptors fast compared to 100mcgs a day for 4 weeks. If u gonna take igf1, atleast take it for 4 weeks straight, even if ur not training, you still are growing.
    Last edited by JuliusPleaser; 02-06-2007 at 10:25 AM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    OK thanks for all that help there julius.

    You have actually made me change my mind about a few things. To be perfectly honest, I dont wanna be injecting so much that I feel like a lab rat and having to shoot so many times per day. My ideal world is once a week, every other day at max, but if Im going to to IGF HGH AND AAS, then ill be like a pin cushion!!

    So, Ive decided to reduce the IGF. I will do 50mcgs of that for 4 weeks. I will take it everyday that i train and shoot into the muscles that I train. I reckon it will probably work out as a 5days on, 2days off regime (Or thereabouts). that means in a 4 week period, I will need 20 x 50mcg shots. Which is only 1g of IGF-1 (ive just ordered 2g of it but never mind!)

    So would that be OK?? be easier for me as its not so many weeks of being the lab rat!

  20. #20
    sounds like a plan man...also, ive read igf1 makes a great pct u do 4 weeks on like u are, and then 4 weeks off, then if u want, u can start up again, or wait until ur AAS cycle is almost up...

    many may argue 50mcgs isn't enough, but one post ive read on here was saying that the only purpose of igf1 is to create new cells...its not about maximizing a pump or losing fat, which will happen anyway, the main objective is to create new satelite cells...then the AAS will increase the size of the new cells, and whatever else ur doing will aid fat loss...

    since ur new anyway, ur supposed to start on low dosage...i woudn't go passed only doing 20 and it seems to be going well...i hope everything works out

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    great thanks for all the advice julius.ill look into the PCT option too

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    hey tony, your reading this at 3330 in the mornin??!!??

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    can someone just confirm that the IGF is injected intramuscular please?? Im pretty sure it is but need to be sure, thanks


  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    On the end of a Needle
    I did mine intramuscular ..some say it causes localized growth ,so jab the area your gonna work on or in lagging parts ....nothing to lose really

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    great thanks again sub

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I injected right into my chest, bi's and tris when I got home after my workout. It was alittle scary at first but it got better.


  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Thanks for the input Micro, appreciate it mate.

    Just wish I could have my cycle now!!

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