UMMMM Cooookkkkiiieess
UMMMM Cooookkkkiiieess
girl scout cookies
or just girl scouts...mmmmm
Whats up Ho's
ah, back im my sanctuary...
Hows it going Armbar?
I think its high time I jack some girl scouts for their cookies...
upstate and I should wear ski masks and start a girl scout robbery crime spree
cookies for ALL!
whats up guys?
Sup armbar....
sup shane
Count me in for the PB ones...hell I alway add more PB on top of them so they stick to roof of mouth and last longer
aye, extra PB is the way to go shane.
I love feedin it to the dog and watchin them try to get it off the rough of their mouth. hahaha, I hate that dog
Originally Posted by Shane35aa
its good, did a little gi jiu jitsu some kickboxing and thinking about a nap...
how you doing man?
how you doing numbat, hows the weather in ar?
Several years back my neighbor had a dog who bother the crap out of me. Always taking a dumo in my yard and stuff.. I was drinking soe brews one day the dog wondered over so I feed it some Habeneros and japeleno peppers ( I keep them around love the things) cut in half with alot of PB on them.. He must have ate like 5 or 6 whole peppers this way.The next day you should have heard the Ba$tard yelp and look at his a$$ all confused when he tried to take a crap..Damn it was funny....keept looking back like someone was holding a match to hi a$$ or something.
Doing good was taking nap ..damg roomate came in woke me up so figured I'd Ho awhile before crashing again
bicep injections hurt
OMG.....rofl that is hilariousOriginally Posted by Shane35aa
Yeah man its amazing the stufff you can come up with at home with a few brews in ya to pass the time.
Good man .. weathers suckkin big time..39 rainOriginally Posted by armbar83
indeed, some of the best ideas me and the lads have come up with were inspired by about 6 or 7 brews each. lol
not to mention the fun times doing house projects, like puttin in the new dishwasher, new window wotever the project be... sometimes I miss driniking. but not till my birthday!
Yeah cut way back myself in last couple years...still have several get togethers with friends 4 or 5 times at year at each other houses. We cook out party whatever but make sure got a DD. Its really funny how every time the flag footbal game ends up in all out tackle after the first hard block or so. Good times
canada! whats cracking
hey guys is 150 associate??
Originally Posted by juicepig
um , all of 19th ave? hahahah
where in ontario you from?
Whats up pig?
I think it is numbat
Sup peeps??
kewl thanks man
aye something like that
i'm the night prowler
as you lie there naked like a body in a tube....suspended annimation as i slip into your room
haha i have more posts than hack
i have a test in statics tomorrow.....wooot......i'm back on my game, gonna kill a 96 on my physics test
Hows it going Hack?
note: driving a 2wd compact truck in the snow is the scariest thing i've ever conceived of doing
yea buddayyyyyyy
wtf is everyone scared of me or something??????
A nice cup of tea would be just the balls right now.
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