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Thread: Help, Help, Help

  1. #1

    Help, Help, Help

    A domestic package that my "friend" shipped via usps priority ended up in the "recovery department" in Atlanta, Georgia, which is NO where near where it was supposed to go. I called and they said someone would call me back. Is this where packages that get seized go?

    Anyone with this experience. The local post office told me it probably got damaged and for some reason could not be sent to sender or return adddress..........anyone with experience!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    insane asylum
    Its gone bro I personally wouldnt make any calls inquire nothing about it

  3. #3
    Maybe he packed it badly and stuff started leaking..?

    Thats pretty much the only problem w/ domestic. Make sure you pack well and you should be fine.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by POSH
    A domestic package that my "friend" shipped via usps priority ended up in the "recovery department" in Atlanta, Georgia, which is NO where near where it was supposed to go. I called and they said someone would call me back. Is this where packages that get seized go?

    Anyone with this experience. The local post office told me it probably got damaged and for some reason could not be sent to sender or return adddress..........anyone with experience!
    you should never call asking about a shipment with gear in it. Now you have taken away your ability to deny ever having anything adressed to you if someone comes around asking questions.

  5. #5
    I bubble wrapped everything......thanks for your replies....I agree with your opinions.....but has this happened to anyone else?

  6. #6

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