Here’s my deal. I really need help on this one. I’ll try and keep it short. I am currently on a 600mg EW Test Ent & 40 Dbol ED cycle. I am running it for 16 weeks. I have my PCT ready to go after discontinuation of the cycle. Here’s my question:
I already have a very little bit of gyno from a previous cycle. Should I just take letro or should I take arimidex. If so, what dose. I am two weeks into my cycle and have been running 1mg of Arm everyday.
I would use the letro at .25 a day but am worried that will drop my estrogen levels too low to see great gains from my cycle. Also immune system blah blah… I don’t want to hinder my gains…but at the same time I don’t want bitch tits (the mild gyno I have now is almost non existent) I just don’t want to aggravate it further.
So fellas…stick with arimidex at 0.5-1 mg ED or go with letro 0.25 ED???