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Thread: A lil confused???????

  1. #1

    A lil confused???????

    ok guys...this may sound like a stupid question, and it probably is, but just deal w/ my for a second. I've been doing lots of research on these forums and have read many of times how to do a TEST ONLY cycle for your first time. Yet tons of people kick start w/ dbol for their test cycles for their first time. Now from what i've ready, the majority of people usually gain about the same taking a dbol/test cycle as they do when they have a Test Only cycle. So what gives?? why would they risk sides and the extra money if they're gonna get the same results in the end?? or do they just wanna get strong quick?? thanks a lot guys!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Test E takes anywhere from 6-8 weeks so some people like to use dbol to get there strength up quicker even though dbol gains are mostly water and will go away after cycle. it is good for strength

    you can also front load the first week to get the blood levels up quicker

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    If someone runs a long ester test then it wont kick in for a few weeks so some people like to kickstart their cycle using dbol for example.

  4. #4
    hey, thanx a lot guys for ur input. and like u said SMAN, it usually just goes away cuz it's a lot of water weight. so why do people waste their money and risk the side effect just for a lil extra strenght for a few weeks?? ya know what i mean?? ur gonna get stronger, i may just take 4-6 weeks before u start to notice. Just doesn't make sense to me. haha

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by ibetucanget4
    hey, thanx a lot guys for ur input. and like u said SMAN, it usually just goes away cuz it's a lot of water weight. so why do people waste their money and risk the side effect just for a lil extra strenght for a few weeks?? ya know what i mean?? ur gonna get stronger, i may just take 4-6 weeks before u start to notice. Just doesn't make sense to me. haha
    everyone has different reasons for using d/bol mine was so i can look biog pretty quick and ofcourse gain strength till the test kicked in.

  6. #6
    Pip Squeek, i understand what ur saying. i DEF wanna be strong and big quick and i know people don't wanna wait weeks for the test to kick in. But guys, in all seriousness, since i'm pretty much gonna get the same results in the long run with a proper diet and routine and so forth, isn't dbol just a waste of money and risks. Sure, i can get big and strong quicker, but it will come. So in your opinions, would you or would u not use dbol?? Although i haven't cycled yet, ignore that fact. I guess what i'm trying to say is, will the gains be the same in the long run??
    Thanks a lot for your input guys!!

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