Jarret's post about the kid with the eggs (by the way I loved it) anyways got me thinking. What makes these kids so bad these days. I remember when I was young I would never tell off someone that is older or show anysort of disrespect. Because if my father ever got wind of it he would kick my ass and I was also afraid of the person that I am telling off kicking my ass.
What has happened to our youth. These kids are mouthy, and have cocky attitudes, it just drives me nuts.
Now I am not a parent myself so I can only speculate, but do you think that it has to do with the parenting. Meaning either they don't care about their kids or that these children usually come from broken homes or if not both parents are working full-time and don't spend as much time with their kids like they used too. Do you think it has to do with their environment?
I myself had both parents working full-time thoughout my entire childhood and I dont remember having an attitude and pulling the shit that these kids do today. Now don't get me wrong I wasn't by far a little angel..I got in fights, stired up my troubles too but nothing like the kids of today.
What is your take on this? I would like to hear from all of you. Weither you have children or not married, single or divorced...I just wanted to see what other peoples thoughts are on this. Because if things keep going the way they are this may get way out of hand.