ill be honest and say iwas dissapointed that we didnt do a deal with the DIC group of dubai,the arabs have since said that lpool acted dishonestly and maybe the deal was done with hicks and gillett cause they offered shareholders a better bang for there buck.since the takeover hicks and gillett have promised manager rafael benitez a large transfer kitty to challenge utd and chelsea4 the title next season,which has persuaded benitez 2turn down the madrid job(thank God) the planned 60,000 new stadium in stanley park has halted as the american owners are considering a 75,000 stadium instead, i believe the new owners have made a smashing arena for the montreal canadiens so watever doubts i had are GONE,I for one like wat im hearing and can picture the stars and strips team winning the hearts of all lpool supporters..
if theres any lpool fans let me know wat u think..!
also lpool are gona win the euro cup again this year![]()