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Thread: Good cycle? any suggestions + PICS

  1. #1

    Good cycle? any suggestions + PICS

    24years old 6 feet 175lbs 9%body fat

    This is my second cycle. I plan on taking

    week1 200mg x2 Cypionate/200mg deca/dbol 20mg ED/vitamin b-6 20 mg ED
    week2 200mg x2 Cypionate/200mg deca/dbol 20mg ED/vitamin b-6 20 mg ED
    week3 200mg x2 Cypionate/200mg deca/dbol 20mg ED/vitamin b-6 20 mg ED
    week4 200mg x2 Cypionate/200mg deca/dbol 20mg ED/vitamin b-6 20 mg ED
    week5 200mg x2 Cypionate/200mg deca/vitamin b-6 20 mg ED

    week6 250mg x2 Enathate/200mg deca/vitamin b-6 20 mg ED/nolvadex
    week7 250mg x2 Enathate/200mg deca/vitamin b-6 20 mg ED/nolvadex
    week8 250mg x2 Enathate/200mg deca/vitamin b-6 20 mg ED/nolvadex
    week9 250mg x2 Enathate/200mg deca/vitamin b-6 20 mg ED/nolvadex
    week10 250mg x2 Enathate/200mg deca/vitamin b-6 20 mg ED/nolvadex

    week11 250mg x2 Enathate/vitamin b-6 20 mg ED/nolvadex
    week12 250mg x2 Enathate/vitamin b-6 20 mg ED/nolvadex

    week14 clomid/milk thistle
    week15 clomid/milk thistle
    week16 clomid/milk thistle

    Is there any other supplements besides cranberry extract, Vitamin e and *****-9 that i should take before or after my cycle....should i take hcg or clomid which one is better...I want to make shore that my body goes back to normal with very minamal side effects and last time I got pretty bad acne is there anything besides proviron that I can take during the cycle to minimize this....Should I take winstrol after 5 weeks to eliminate all the water retension
    Last edited by candlecuts; 03-29-2007 at 12:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    What is your reason to change from one Test ester to another in the middle of your cycle?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    what was you first cycle, aniway, the change wont make any difference imo, looking good, not big but cut

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    1- I think you should try to gain some weight naturally before cycling again.
    2- I don't understand the ester change.
    3 - 200mg deca will not do sh*t.

    Winstrol would be a nice addition: 9-13: 50mg ed

    Your pct sucks.
    Hcg and clomid are not the same so the is no "which one is better"

    14-16: hcg 500iu ed
    14-19: Nolvadex 20mg ed
    14-17: Aromasin 25mg ed
    Last edited by hugovsilva; 03-29-2007 at 04:22 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    1-12 test (cyp or enanth) or shoot a mix of them (50%+50% 2 x wk)
    1-10 deca (at least 3-400mg into 2 shots)
    ... and if you are lookin for mass, id go with d-bol (30mg ed) wks 1-4 instead of winny

    ???: 20mg nolva ed i think it's too much (10mg should work well)

    ???: pct with clomid AND (???) milk thistle? what's this?

    i think you should make some more search..


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    I think u can pack on some lb's before you start cycling. just my advice

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    why are you changeing your test through the cycle???best do more research bro.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    stick to the one test

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    How is your diet and training? Cardio?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Valac
    stick to the one test

    let's say his stuff is:
    -- cyp 200mg/ml
    -- enanth 250mg/ml

    i dont see lots of problems to shoot .5ml of each (100mg cyp + 125mg enanth) 2 x weeks

    this, plus 3-400mg deca, will be a good combo

    correct me if i am wrong...


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Columbus
    How is your diet and training? Cardio?
    his shape does not look bad at all.. just my opinion
    so, or he is just lucky or seems like he keeps them under control...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    dead right.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    add more weight naturally before the cycle...and 200mg deca is nothing...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    ya thats what every above you just said

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    don't change esters. Use either cypionate or ethanate throughout entire cycle 500 mg/wk of test split 250mg Mon/Thurs and Deca 400mg/wk split into 200mg injects like the test. Run that for 10-12wks. I use aromasin and get very little pimps @ 12.5 mg ed which is usually 1/2 ml on a syringe if you are using the liquid, and it will also help with water retension. I don't use nolva during cycle. I would use hcg thruout entire cycle up to pct 500IU 3 times ew. Then wk after last inject 1000IU 2 times a wk for the 2-3 wks prior to pct. You need to really up your cals in good whole foods tho as you are very light for your height. Take in at least 300gm of protein including chicken, fish, lean meats, yams, brown rice, plenty of veggies and add some nat p-nut butter to your snacks or in your protein shakes with some oatmeal. You need to build up your physique. All good tho, you have a good natual physique, but just need to up your cals while building muscle to gain mass and overall weight.
    Last edited by mick-g; 03-31-2007 at 08:23 PM.

  16. #16
    The reason I'm switching from cyponate to enathate is because I already had a bottle of cypionate from an ugl saved and a friend offered me a good deal on some s*hering testoviron ethanate I could probably get a hold of some more of the ugl cipionate but I think since the other stuff since it is from a big company its probablly better quality than the ugl stuff My diet is so so but im naturally lean no cardio but i strength train one day yes one day no. The deca is 300 sorry for the error. I dont want to be a body builder but I do want to weigh about 200 lbs solid....Thanks guys you guys are a big do i take aromasin the whole cycle or just wait till i start breaking out..
    Last edited by candlecuts; 03-29-2007 at 01:53 PM.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by mick-g
    don't change esters. Use either cypionate or ethanate throughout entire cycle 500 mg/wk of test split 250mg Mon/Thurs and Deca 400mg/wk split into 200mg injects like the test. Run that for 10-12wks. I use aromasin and get very little pimps @ 12.5 mg ed which is usually 1/2 ml on a syringe if you are using the liquid, and it will also help with water retension. I don't use nolva during cycle. I would use hcg thruout entire cycle up to pct 500IU 3 times ew. Then wk after last inject 100IU 2 times a wk for the 2-3 wks prior to pct. You need to really up your cals in good whole foods tho as you are very light for your height. Take in at least 300gm of protein including chicken, fish, lean meats, yams, brown rice, plenty of veggies and add some nat p-nut butter to your snacks or in your protein shakes with some oatmeal. You need to build up your physique. All good tho, you have a good natual physique, but just need to up your cals while building muscle to gain mass and overall weight.

    when do I use hcg at the begging of my cycle 500iu 3 times a week? and the week after last 100iu 2 times a week I dont know but that seems like alot....How about clomid? is the hcg a substitute

  18. #18
    First cycle----sustanon250 twice a week for 5 weeks and deca 300 once a week for 4 weeks

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by hugovsilva
    1- I think you should try to gain some weight naturally before cycling again.
    2- I don't understand the ester change.
    3 - 200mg deca will not do sh*t.

    Winstrol would be a nice addition: 9-13: 50mg ed

    Your pct sucks.
    Hcg and clomid are not the same so the is no "which one is better"

    14-16: hcg 500iu ed
    14-19: Nolvadex 20mg ed
    14-17: Aromasin 25mg ed
    Aromasin is really expensive is it really necessary?is it legal ?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Any pct? What were your results of these compounds effects on your body?
    Doesn't look like you did very much research, at least you're in the right place now. Read, read, and then read more. Good luck and don't be in such a hurry.

    Quote Originally Posted by candlecuts
    First cycle----sustanon250 twice a week for 5 weeks and deca 300 once a week for 4 weeks

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Columbus
    How is your diet and training? Cardio?
    What are you taking? Is that pic of you? Im tring to get my abs like that

  22. #22

  23. #23
    bro. you already cycled once and are 6'ft 175? LOL 9%? why are you even THINKING about taking steroids? let me put this into perspective for you.. im 5'6 173 8% BF.. you my friend. are a classic gymbecile

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by lilslim37
    bro. you already cycled once and are 6'ft 175? LOL 9%? why are you even THINKING about taking steroids? let me put this into perspective for you.. im 5'6 173 8% BF.. you my friend. are a classic gymbecile

    Well if you read the cycle i did before you would know that I only did half a cycle and what is a gymbecile? What are you tring to say that your bigger than me? you want a cookie?....well big guy...too bad the juice cant fix your height some hgh it might help.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by candlecuts
    First cycle----sustanon250 twice a week for 5 weeks and deca 300 once a week for 4 weeks
    what? this is not a cycle bro... and not even "half cycle"...

    i think you should read a bit more... just to know what you are going to take.. and why!

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox
    Any pct? What were your results of these compounds effects on your body?
    Doesn't look like you did very much research, at least you're in the right place now. Read, read, and then read more. Good luck and don't be in such a hurry.
    I second that.

  27. #27
    i did do research but I got desperate and started without having everything and then I couldnt get the rest of it so I pretty much got screwed....Now im waiting till I have everything....and I did no pct last time but since it takes 4 weeks for the test to kick in and it was only a 5 week cycle i didnt even bother with pct....but thanks guys for the 411....does someone know if the test is real

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    No sources
    Cypionate and Enanthate are nearly identical compounds One molecule difference. No reason why you can't use both.
    Taken directly from the profile:
    "On a funny side note, many steroid users believe that test cyp is more or less powerful than the other popular injectable testosterone enanthate. The truth is, they are almost identical in release patterns, so there is virtually no difference between the two. However, as far back as the printing of the first Underground Steroid Handbook, there has been speculation that Cyp had more "kick" than Enth."
    400mg Deca minimum.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by candlecuts
    when do I use hcg at the begging of my cycle 500iu 3 times a week? and the week after last 100iu 2 times a week I dont know but that seems like alot....How about clomid? is the hcg a substitute
    Start the hcg at the beginning of the cycle thruout entire cycle, then the wk after your last inject (say you last inject is on friday) that next monday start 1000IU 3 times a wk. for the 2-3wks prior to pct. Sorry i forgot a 0 in the IU's, and no substitue with clomid. You need hcg to run if your doing a deca cycle.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    too small to use aas

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    too small to use aas
    lolol well said tai

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by candlecuts
    My diet is so so
    If you want to achieve your goals your diet will have to improve from "so so"

    Quote Originally Posted by candlecuts
    What are you taking? Is that pic of you? Im tring to get my abs like that
    lol this comment shows your attitude in all its glory. Diet and training make 10x more difference than "what someone is taking"

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    what is your diet like?

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