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Thread: Questions about Tren Enan/Ace

  1. #1
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    Questions about Tren Enan/Ace

    K, here goes...

    1) I know tren ace typically needs to be injected EOD, but how often do you need to take tren enan and is it just as effective?

    2) What is the typical dose range with tren per week? Lets say if I were planning on 600-800mg of test/week, what would a typical dose of tren that would go along with it be?

    3) Is there really a need to supplement with t3 and all the other stuff mentioned in the profile section when taking tren? Me and t3 really don't get along at all, as every time I've ever tried to take it, it makes me lose ridiculous amounts of muscle, even at very low doses.

    4) I know tren can be very effective in cutting cycles. However, does it have any effect on preventing fat-gain while on a bulking cycle if calories are slighly in excess?

    5) I know tren can make people wake up in "night sweats" and things like that. Now, when you're on it, does it affect a person like a stimulant and cause any kind of anxiety or jitters? If so, is the stimulating effect comparable to say clen? I'm pretty sensitive to stimulants so I want to be prepared.

    Thanks in advance guys. Never tried tren before, but anxious to try it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    okinawa, texas

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    K, here goes...

    1) I know tren ace typically needs to be injected EOD, but how often do you need to take tren enan and is it just as effective?

    IMO, tren A is actually best shot every day. Tren E is shot just as you would test E...2x/wk. And yes, it is just as effective, but will take several weeks to get full effect from it due to the attached enanthate ester, rather than several days if you were to go with the acetate ester.

    2) What is the typical dose range with tren per week? Lets say if I were planning on 600-800mg of test/week, what would a typical dose of tren that would go along with it be?

    I suggest a 1st time user to start with tren A @ 50mg/ed because if sides become an issue, your dose can be adjusted accordingly or you can come off it altogether and sides should subside with in days, rather than weeks if you go with tren with that said, if you do decide to go with tren E anyway, I would recommend you not start your first go with it at any higher than 350-400mg/wk.

    3) Is there really a need to supplement with t3 and all the other stuff mentioned in the profile section when taking tren? Me and t3 really don't get along at all, as every time I've ever tried to take it, it makes me lose ridiculous amounts of muscle, even at very low doses.

    No, T3 is not necessary and I've never bothered with it. In fact, I would advise against it. AR's profile suggests it's use with tren to help combat prolactin secretion from the thyroid...I find that if a good AI is instituted, that estro or progest related sides are not an issue with me to begin with.

    4) I know tren can be very effective in cutting cycles. However, does it have any effect on preventing fat-gain while on a bulking cycle if calories are slighly in excess?

    I've ran tren in clean bulk and cut seems to have effective thermogenic properites with me. So with that said, I find it easy to prevent an increas in BF% when I run tren, as long as the diet is on track.

    5) I know tren can make people wake up in "night sweats" and things like that. Now, when you're on it, does it affect a person like a stimulant and cause any kind of anxiety or jitters? If so, is the stimulating effect comparable to say clen? I'm pretty sensitive to stimulants so I want to be prepared.

    It doesn't effect me in a stimulant-like way. And it is not anything like clen as far as anxiety-related sides such as the jitters and what not. I will get subtle bouts of anxiety now and then that I don't notice when I'm not on tren, but nothing a Xanax can't quell. If there is any side that bothers me the most with tren is the insomnia...for instance, I shouuld be sleeping right now but, well, you know...

    Thanks in advance guys. Never tried tren before, but anxious to try it.
    Hope this helps...tren is an excellent compound if ran appropriately. One of my favs.

    Good luck,

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    okinawa, texas
    good info shrpskn

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by scribbs12
    good info shrpskn
    yea, what him said. thanks a lot shrpskn, that was pretty much all i was looking to know. the only thing i'd have left to ask is you said to make sure you use a good anti-e. now, from the profile info i had read, i'm assuming in tren's case, that would be letro?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    the only thing i'd have left to ask is you said to make sure you use a good anti-e. now, from the profile info i had read, i'm assuming in tren's case, that would be letro?
    This is really individual all depends on how sensitive you are to tren's side effects...

    Just to be safe, I would be sure to have any appropriate ancillaries "on hand" before you decide to make your first go with it.

    Good luck,

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