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Thread: Max dose for HRT?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Right behind you...

    Max dose for HRT?

    What I'm wondering is when we're teenagers, our test levels are supposedly from what I've heard comparable to a mild cycle. Now for starters, how much do they consider to be a "mild cycle"? Second, I know test at higher doses inhibits collagen syn but at lower doses has the opposite effect. So, what I'm wondering is at what level does that begin to shift? Currently, between cycles I use 120mg of test per week. However, the effects of it are nothing and I would like a little more oomph between cycles, but not at the expense of my joints or health. So, just trying to find my boundaries here, like say maybe going up to 180mg or so. Again, I want to make sure it won't inhibit collagen syn though as I've seen way too many people get injuries cause of taking excessive doses of test year round and weakening those connective tissues. Thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    The HRT cycle recommended to me was 250mg/wk. That may be too much for bridge between cycles though. There were a couple of posts on here about the subject though. You should find it if you do a search in HRT or on Test Bridging.

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