sorry for doing it like this but i need some advice of someone who has been in a similar situation as me,
we chatted before but cant find your details and let me refresh you
im 33,12.4 stone,14ish%bf trained for 10 +yrs,last 2 and a bit years dedicated.
3 yrs ago i had bowel cancer,3 emergency ops,scepticemia twice,pneumonia.
chemo through a hickman line which was oxyplatin x 4 hrs per wk + fluo5 46 hrs per wk both for 6 months.
now in remission,have full body ct scans and blood tests 2 a year,
want to know your opinions on a cycle,you told me what you do and im not gonna advertise it,but im thinkin of stating one soon and need help/advice from someone whos sees it from my point of view
please pm me and anyone with related advice please feel free to give some advice