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Thread: Ever have those days that you just can't stop eating crap?

  1. #1
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    Ever have those days that you just can't stop eating crap?

    I go the whole week, eating cottage cheese and chicken breasts... or other healthy food...
    Then I'll have a day like today, where I can't get enough junk...
    Three Mcdonalds burgers down, two cans of pop... and I got a pizza on the way.
    I don't even feel guilty.... I can't wait for the pizza.

  2. #2
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    I have about 365 of those.

    sometimes 366

  3. #3
    Well.. Dont start eating crap and you wont have that problem

  4. #4
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    It's called binging...and I have those days once a week

  5. #5
    we r all victims once a week.

  6. #6
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    lol, in fact, i had one of them today....I usually always have my "cheat "meal"" on by thursday, i am chanting inside my head all day "cheat day friday cheatday friday cheatday friday yaihy" and cant get that off my mind all friday morning. lFirstly, the way that i avoid temptation is simply, just dont have shit in my apartment. But naturally after easter, my grandma has to make me this freaking rediculous super fudge carmal chocholate cake i love so much and my mom had to send me off with a bag of chocaloate.

    So today was my cheat meal. I figured, ok, i will keep it mostly clean, have some whole wheat pasta, marinara, and just dabble into some good tasting junk and keep it controlled.

    Well an entire chocaloate cross, more chocalate things than i can count on my hand, half the cake, the entire jar of marinara and the entire box of pasta whith 2 hamburgers thrown into that, and im sitting pretty.

    I am not really to discouraged, tomarrows workout should be pretty awesome,

    unfortunately, i am cutting now, so hopefully this wont spill over into fat

    the most lol thing about it is this....I am done with class early on friday, so i usually pig out after class. And i always take a real nice nap afterwards. its my little ritual and i love it so much..get back on friday, pig out, and take about a 2 hour nap. i was rolmfao, in my dream which i remembered so clearly, i was eating ice cream the entire time.....I was so ****ing was like eating icecream for real, it felt so real, i got to enjoy the icecream without the extra calories...i always have interesting dreams after friday gorge fests.
    Last edited by IronReload04; 04-13-2007 at 08:44 PM.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    we r all victims once a week.
    Not I

  8. #8
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    I try and keep my cheat meals clean.... They have function in my eyes....And i feel that they "should be mostly clean carbs" kind of like jay cutlers version of a cheat meal. today was an exception, because i actually had temptations, i usually dont put myself in temping situations because i usually cant handle it

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Well.. Dont start eating crap and you wont have that problem
    OR just eat crap all the time....hand in your AR resignation slip & sign up over at FATASS.COM

  10. #10
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    Its only a matter of time before tai see's this. IF i remember correctly, he is the cheat day champ

  11. #11
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    Get this... so my mom knows it's my cheat day...
    She just showed up with McDonalds... but I can't eat anymore gross stuff

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by getnjakked
    OR just eat crap all the time....hand in your AR resignation slip & sign up over at FATASS.COM
    lol I refuse to go back to my old ways. 7,000 cals spread over 3-4 meals like the other half of the country.

    I averaged 2 cheeseburgers a day. Nightly at midnight I'd get Whataburger's double meat double cheese & a breakfast biscuit..sausage bacon egg and cheese..i was so fat

  13. #13
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    I always feel guilty if I eat something that isn't healthy...

    I have no cheat days, it makes me angry...

  14. #14
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    I have been eating like shit for the past few weeks and it feels great, lol, havent been trying to eat good at all, I usually let everything slide for a few months out of the year, I thinks that a good thing to do.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Testsubject
    I have been eating like shit for the past few weeks and it feels great, lol, havent been trying to eat good at all, I usually let everything slide for a few months out of the year, I thinks that a good thing to do.

    congratulations! you are now officially inducted into the hall of shame!

  16. #16
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    Binging is usually not a result of satisfying a hunger crave. It usually stems from a wound. And this wound usually resides in your mind and/or in your heart.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDMSilviaSpecR
    It's called binging...and I have those days once a week
    exactly put 2 fingers in your throat and your golden.

  18. #18
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    remember, that after some time, some believe a week, of perfect dieting, natural fat burning goodies produced by your body starts to decline and fat burning ceises.

    For me, a cheat meal or cheat day is taking in whole wheat pasta with red sauce. And maybe throw in just a little somthing that will make my insulin go up. Basically lower the protein and up the carbs for a day. This, my body freaks out all over again for the next week by scorching bodyfat. jmo

    yesterday for me was a rare occurence, but ****it, my workout will probably be amazing today

  19. #19
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lexed
    exactly put 2 fingers in your throat and your golden.

    uhhh no.

    bulimics binge and stick their fingers down their throats to avoid extra calories.

    bodybuilders have their occasional binge which itself pushes fat burning into overdrive and drives strength up the next day if done right

    big difference

  20. #20
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    source check [email protected]
    its was a joke lol

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    lol I refuse to go back to my old ways. 7,000 cals spread over 3-4 meals like the other half of the country.

    I averaged 2 cheeseburgers a day. Nightly at midnight I'd get Whataburger's double meat double cheese & a breakfast biscuit..sausage bacon egg and cheese..i was so fat

    that could be why you have no neck

  22. #22
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    I binge now and then, try to make it less than once a month. but the way you gotta look at it is
    eat like crap = feel like crap
    eat good = feel good.
    simple as that

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    lol I refuse to go back to my old ways. 7,000 cals spread over 3-4 meals like the other half of the country.

    I averaged 2 cheeseburgers a day. Nightly at midnight I'd get Whataburger's double meat double cheese & a breakfast biscuit..sausage bacon egg and cheese..i was so fat

    My mouth is watering...... I haven't had a Whataburger in over a year!
    Allways reminds me of home (Native Texan). I still enjoy a greasy Saloon or Pub burger and fries every two weeks or so...usually on a Thur or Fri cheat meal. Can't resist!

  24. #24
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    I binge now and then, try to make it less than once a month. but the way you gotta look at it is
    eat like crap = feel like crap
    eat good = feel good.
    simple as that

    ehhhhhh!! definately agree

    imo, carb days have alot of benefit.

    Yesterday, right now, i am doing 50 grams of carbs and cardio on off days, and under 100 grams of carbs on workout days. yesterday, i did cardio and took in 330 grams of carbs from wheat pasta and oats (mostly pasta), and the whole jar of low carb marinare which was about 60 grams of carbs. Thats usually what i consider a cheat day, and maybe i will have somthing extremely extremely extremely small on the side. but yesterday i got carried away with chocalate and cake.

    However, today, my lifts were all up to where they were like 4 weeks ago, so......i feel good

    I got this theory, that cutting out caffeine and fat burners, cutting out the protein, and upping the carbs for a day throws your body out of homeostasis and your body turns back into a fat eating shark when you hop on the fatburners and caffein, high protein and low carbs the next day
    Last edited by IronReload04; 04-14-2007 at 01:20 PM.

  25. #25
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    by the end of the week, even though i eat like a food natzi, its not even hard and i dont feel like shit anymore. i feel good. Its like my body is used to what i am doing....Now after the day i had yesterday, you watch, by tomarrow, the same diet is probably going to suck and i will feel like shit. I hope that happens if you know what i mean. If i feel like shit, most likely i am not in homeastasis and using an alternate energy for source ie fat......jmo

  26. #26
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    If youre lean enough.. IF your lean enough.. this is a method that many jacked bros follow off season.... Eat 100% clean through the week... all out cheat day on the 7th... I dont do this because im not lean enough(10% or less).. but many follow this with great success.. However.. once this 12 week diet is over.. my cheat day is back

  27. #27
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    I've been eating crap before I starting working out and 5 years into working out. Never lost any fat but never gained any either and still gained lots of muscle. But cutting now for the first time ever, and so far so good, it's been about 2 weeks, but man I have such a urge for stuff with sugar, don't care too much about high fat meals but mann do I want sugar carbs so bad. And something that helps a lot is Crystal Light. Been drinking the Iced Tea and Fruit Punch versions so much I can't even tell the diffrence between the Crystal Light and the real stuff.

  28. #28
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    A cheat day? I thought it was a cheat meal. Have not had a cheat day in over a year, still a fatty though.

  29. #29
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by daytrader
    If youre lean enough.. IF your lean enough.. this is a method that many jacked bros follow off season.... Eat 100% clean through the week... all out cheat day on the 7th... I dont do this because im not lean enough(10% or less).. but many follow this with great success.. However.. once this 12 week diet is over.. my cheat day is back
    i dont care how fat i am, homoestasis is giong to happen to me one way or the other....somthing has to be done to break that little rythem. and for me, exta clean carbs is good enough to accomplish this. that means eating like a box of wholewheat pasta, and low carb marinara.

    i know what your talking about. i have even heard about guys eating pizza donuts etc every day leading up to a show. Now this is to get from 5%bf to like 3.5 or 4, not 17 percent to 15 percent lol

    i have heard about this all out cheat day for the seriosly lean bros, but for bros above say 12 pecent with genetics like mine, i think its best to stay away from extreme crap cheating

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    Binging is usually not a result of satisfying a hunger crave. It usually stems from a wound. And this wound usually resides in your mind and/or in your heart.
    dude, what are you? a therapist or something, lol.

  31. #31
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    ya, im pretty sure its just due to food ***rivation and your bodies natural cravings to basically survive

  32. #32
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    recently i have no power against sweets. I go to Dunking Donuts to get a large coffee and bam! before you know it i'm scarfing down and chocolate donut

    I don't know maybe it's the inner fat kid in me

  33. #33
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by heavyhitter08
    recently i have no power against sweets. I go to Dunking Donuts to get a large coffee and bam! before you know it i'm scarfing down and chocolate donut

    I don't know maybe it's the inner fat kid in me
    ya but i bet your as strong as a hoss next workout

  34. #34
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    On the downside... I felt like complete crap the day after eating all that garbage
    Dont think I'll be doing that for a while...

  35. #35
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    Cant do it, I know what I want bad enough to never do that. Plus I dont enjoy being on the toilet with liquid sliding out of my ass after I eat that garbage.
    Sure once in a while I will cheat and have a burger or something, but chocolate and candy etc is something I dont crave and never touch. At least if you have a burger you are gettin some protein and something filling. Candy just leaves a bad taste in my mouth literally and is not satisfying at all and is just sugar. Get nothing from it but an insulin spike.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by OPSTER
    I go the whole week, eating cottage cheese and chicken breasts... or other healthy food...
    Then I'll have a day like today, where I can't get enough junk...
    Three Mcdonalds burgers down, two cans of pop... and I got a pizza on the way.
    I don't even feel guilty.... I can't wait for the pizza.
    When it is suppose to be spring time but it is snowing, I tend to have a few extra cheat meals. When the hell is it going to get warm again?

  37. #37
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    I came in last night and my wife had a shit load of pasta cooked up for her and the kids. She also stopped at Fazoli's and got breadsticks. Was my chicken ready, nope still thawing out. It smelled so good, I thought one bite won't hurt. I couldn't stop. I ended up taking the whole pot with me to the bedroom and locking myself in like a crackhead. Ate like a horse and took a nap.

  38. #38
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    of course!!!!! cheat wahoooooo

  39. #39
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    When it happens its hard to stop once i start

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Testsubject
    dude, what are you? a therapist or something, lol.
    Anything beyond reasonable moderation is a sign of mental weakness.

    And I'm glad that you find that funny (regarding the little "lol" comment at the end of your sentence). Irony at its finest.

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