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Thread: stress problems

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    West Texas

    stress problems

    which type of dr would be the best to go to in dealing with stress and anxiety.....ive had blood work done and everything, that came back normal, yet i still keep getting these werid episodes, some symptoms persist and some go away, such as sometimes i get really nausous, confused, blurred vision right before say a test, this has been going on for close to a week, i feel real tired, get occassional headaches, my feet and hands will get real cold, my face will get hot and red....and i get nauseas again when i try and eat, i have no fever, this goes off and on during the day, i'd just like to figure out what the problem is, any help would be appreciated.....thanks bros

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Getting madcow treatments
    Your normal family doc should be able to help you with that. Go and explain the situation..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    You may have answered your own problem bro! Your taking Tests in school which can be umm, well...stressful of course.

    Be certain you get enough sleep and give your mind a chance to rest (i.e. visit with friends, go see a movie, drink a glass of wine etc etc).

    Just don't focus on the anxiety!!!

    There is nothing in those tests at school that can harm you! The Headaches, the cold hands & feet, flushed face whatever. Your living proof that you can survive those as well. Most anxiety is about fear bro! Everything you mentioned you already know you can handle. Just feel the fear and move right through it like a BULL!.

    Good Luck, MJ

  4. #4
    Dude...Im tryin to warn ya. Dont keep thinking about it. You are just going to make it worse.

    It is just anxiety. It cant hurt you. Just tell yourself that. You're worrying about nothing. All you gotta do is tell yourself that you can handle it. (Strong mind is just as important as a strong body).

    (Dont let them stick you on anti-***ressants; you dont need them.)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    West Texas
    i do need to think about other things, its just so hard....all i ever wanna do i research all my symptoms becuase i think that im dying, yesterday i went and lifted, and half way through i got feeling all lightheaded and nauseiated, i didnt quit, but felt like shit, i dont want to go back to the dr, but all my symptoms sound stress related, eh? i mean i always worry how i look, whether im better than so and so, i worry about my grades and my parents getting pissed becuase they arent up to par, i just worry too much, i need something to get my mind off of it, something to do, i guess a movie and some wine wouldnt hurt....any other suggestions guys, ive never had any problems like this, maybe it just all go built up, i mean i dont need to worry, i have wonderful parents, awesome brothers, friends, a beautiful girlfriend, i just cant seem to stop worrying.....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Worry is a useless emotion bro!

    Sounds to me that you got it going on Brutha!
    Just chill and enjoy this ride we call LIFE......Don't take life so seriously either.........cause none of us get out alive anyway!!! LOL


  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by rugbySwoll
    i do need to think about other things, its just so hard....all i ever wanna do i research all my symptoms becuase i think that im dying, yesterday i went and lifted, and half way through i got feeling all lightheaded and nauseiated, i didnt quit, but felt like shit, i dont want to go back to the dr, but all my symptoms sound stress related, eh? i mean i always worry how i look, whether im better than so and so, i worry about my grades and my parents getting pissed becuase they arent up to par, i just worry too much, i need something to get my mind off of it, something to do, i guess a movie and some wine wouldnt hurt....any other suggestions guys, ive never had any problems like this, maybe it just all go built up, i mean i dont need to worry, i have wonderful parents, awesome brothers, friends, a beautiful girlfriend, i just cant seem to stop worrying.....
    Here is my best advice. And trust me... i have been battling Panic Disorder for almost two years now. Everyday I have to fight this bitch!!

    A) Dont go on any anti-***ressants if you can help it. They will make you feel worse in the long run.

    B) Face it head on. When you feel the attack coming, just let it. Dont fight it. Just tell yourself... "FVck it!! If im gonna die, Oh well, Taco Bell! Theres nothing I can do about it!"

    Soon you will realize that you are NOT going to die, and that you are just worrying about nothing.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    ninja dojo, UK
    its been going on close to a week? likely stress from exams, or maybe your just coming down with something

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    What supplements are you taking bro? Any? I was taking alot of shit at one point, and I was having anxeity attacks like once every few weeks, it was horrible, they are not fun at all, and its not something you can tell your body not to do, one mintue youll be fine and then next youll be freakin right out, Id keep an eye on it for the next couple weeks and then if nothing changes go and see your doctor this is not something to mess around with, it puts a real damper on things, alot of people have anxiety and they dont even know.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    source check [email protected]
    dont mess around with this. you should deff ask your docter about what you should do or any if there are any avaible options

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    West Texas
    well guys, i failed to mention earlier that i was diagnosed with Meniere's Syndrome about 3 yrs, the past 2 yrs have been fine, but supposedly symptoms can worsen with time, and they are very episodic, so, maybe my symps are worse, it also can cause i dunno, all i know is that annoying ass ring in my ear is back, and louder than before, so yaaaaa.....

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