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Thread: 2nd cycle(masteron prop and test prop)

  1. #1

    2nd cycle(masteron prop and test prop)

    First cycle was test e and deca during 12 week.No ancillary was used during cycle had some bloat but i really think my nutrition didnt help(sodium).Anyway 3 months later im ready to start my 2nd cycle(Masteron prop and test prop).Already started my diet with cardio and changed my training(strip set,superset etc).Right now im 230 pounds at 6 ft 1 and 12% BF.Dosage would be Masteron at 150 mg eod and test prop at 100 mg eod.You think i would need an ancillary with this cycle or masteron would be enough to counter the side effect of test prop.You think its enough of a cycle for me, to cut,at my size.Help appreciated

  2. #2

  3. #3
    need advice

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by Fear_less
    First cycle was test e and deca during 12 week.No ancillary was used during cycle had some bloat but i really think my nutrition didnt help(sodium).Anyway 3 months later im ready to start my 2nd cycle(Masteron prop and test prop).Already started my diet with cardio and changed my training(strip set,superset etc).Right now im 230 pounds at 6 ft 1 and 12% BF.Dosage would be Masteron at 150 mg eod and test prop at 100 mg eod.You think i would need an ancillary with this cycle or masteron would be enough to counter the side effect of test prop.You think its enough of a cycle for me, to cut,at my size.Help appreciated
    Personally i love prop, its fast acting, hardness, this is the second time im useing it a i just added Mast to it 150 prop ED 150 mast Ed.. But as a second cycle ?? i would wait for more feed back..

  5. #5
    yea some other opinions please, I'm also considering this for my second cycle in like 4 months. I dont' know about you, but I'm gyno sensitive and have a small amount of existing gyno. I'm interested in running a DHT so I wont have to run 2mg's of Amiridex a day (expensive) hopefully.

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    anywhere my son lives
    masteron will keep you from needing anti estrogens IMO.

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