I am a 28 year old 5'10''male that weighs 190 pounds. I will be beginning my first cycle of HGH this Friday and and thought it might be productive to keep an online log/journal on this site. I thought doing it here would be better than in my own book at home because other people with alot more experience using HGH can chime in with their critiques and input. After reading so much about the positive benifits of HGH I am really excited about this. I'm only 28 but at the rate congress is passing new laws I fear by the time I am 50 and really need it it will all be gone, or so expensive it is not affordable. I am taking the dive fellas and I start the HGH on Friday. Going to run up to 4iu's EOD for 5-6 months. I can also get some IGF-1 R3. Should I splurge, or just take the HGH?
I began a AAS cycle 4 days ago and decided I would ascend from my long time lurker status to become an actual poster. My 4 previous cycles were very simple and basic. Nothing more than Test E, Deca, Stan, Clen and T3. Simple yet effective for what I was trying to do, just gain solid muscle mass for a two month cycle then diet down and look lean while keeping most of the mass I gained. All of my previous cycles where no more than two months each. That is not including the PCT, I always take 20 mg's of Nolvadex throughout the cycle, even though I show no predisposition to gyno, and then I run letro, HCG and Nolvadex after the cycle.
After running these 4 cycles of the same compounds I feel I am ready to throw some of the bad boys of AAS in there. I appreciate the science that goes into a cycle as much as I do the gains and side effects. I feel I have designed a pretty sweet cycle here and wanted to start this thread to get feedback and to actually keep a log to track my results, and at the same time, share them with you to gather feedback and share ideas and stories.
So without further delay here it is:
Weeks 1-10---500mg/week Test (250mg Test E, 250mg super test)
Weeks 10-12--400mg/week Super Test
Weeks 1-10---300mg/week Deca Duroblin
Weeks 7-15---400mg/week Masterlone, everybodies favorite, gotta try it.
Weeks 5-10---350mg/week Trenbolone (50mg/ED)
Weeks 7-13--.25-100 mcgs/day T3 or T4 , to regulate my thyroid while on
tren, fat loss, and fight water retention, will also compliment the HGH
Weeks 14-19-350mg/week Stanzonol, Great PCT and one of my fav's
Weeks 14-19--25-200 mcgs/day Clenbuteral, to maintain my gains and muscle
hardness. Great PCT compound.
Weeks 20-24--PCT:Nolvadex, Letro and HCG
The HGH I will be using is Jentropin and it is reasonably priced. However, I can also get Generic HGH. Is there a big difference? If not I will go with the Generic. The Generic does not come with reconstitution water though. Where can I buy reconstitution water?
So the new compounds I will be trying are the Tren, masterlone, HGH, and possibly the IGF-1 R3. I think I've got everything in the cycle timed right and working synergisticly to produce the best results.
My diet is currently in check, very clean and I'll be trying to throw 4000-6000 calories down the pipe a day in 5-6 meals spread evenly through the day. I will reserve Sunday as a cheat day where I will allow myself some wine and maybe some icecream or something sweet. I will reserve my diet talk for the diet forum as soon as I check in there. Here we all just assume I am eating proper.
I will be working out 5 days on and two off as always. This time though I am going to be doing two weeks of weight training then two weeks of boxing on and off, every two weeks switching it up. Boxing is such an awesome all around way to train, it really does it all. On the two week periods where I box I will alternate days of boxing and lower body leg training. This is going to make things interesting as my body is not used to this type of regimine. Normaly it is all weights with 3 days of cardio thrown in. No matter what 2 week period I will be doing abs everyday. Right now they are hurting so bad.
That is about all I can think of for now. I will be posting here as much as possible for updates and advice.