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Thread: Question about cycle and PCT

  1. #1

    Question Question about cycle and PCT

    Hello guys, I'm new to the forum, and I'd like to thank all the guys that helped here with different pieces of clever information about steroids. Things that the average Joe doesn't in fact know.

    I was thinking ... What would happen if I [I'm only thinking if it is safe or not, I'm not on steroids and my thoughts are 70% set on staying that way], would have a cycle of Deca, like this :

    1st week - 400 mg Deca Durabolin ;
    2nd week - 200 mg Deca Durabolin ;
    3rd week - 200 mg Deca Durabolin ;
    4th week - 200 mg Deca Durabolin ;
    5th week - 150 mg -//- ;
    6th week - 100 mg -//- ;
    7th week - 50 mg -//- ;
    21 days - pause [half-time of Deca] ;
    10 days : 50 mg/day of Clomid ;
    20 days : 25 mg/dan of Proviron ;

    [Both Clomid and Proviron PCT will begin after the 21 days off period].

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by isitsafeman
    Hello guys, I'm new to the forum, and I'd like to thank all the guys that helped here with different pieces of clever information about steroids. Things that the average Joe doesn't in fact know.

    I was thinking ... What would happen if I [I'm only thinking if it is safe or not, I'm not on steroids and my thoughts are 70% set on staying that way], would have a cycle of Deca, like this :

    1st week - 400 mg Deca Durabolin ;
    2nd week - 200 mg Deca Durabolin ;
    3rd week - 200 mg Deca Durabolin ;
    4th week - 200 mg Deca Durabolin ;
    5th week - 150 mg -//- ;
    6th week - 100 mg -//- ;
    7th week - 50 mg -//- ;
    21 days - pause [half-time of Deca] ;
    10 days : 50 mg/day of Clomid ;
    20 days : 25 mg/dan of Proviron ;

    [Both Clomid and Proviron PCT will begin after the 21 days off period].

    Not that great of an Idea, you should really run test if you use deca. As well, there's really no need to flucuate the doses, you want to maintain steady doses, as well, thats not very much deca in any case for a cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    Your proposed cycle isnt very well planned bro.

    Deca catagoried as a 19-nor compound, and is known to shut down the user very hard, and not running some form of test with Deca could result in a severe loss of libido or sex drive. You need some form of test bro.

    It is also a compound that takes some time to kick in, and for the user to see results it needs to be ran longer than 7 weeks. A min of 12 weeks is needed for the user to fully utilize the compound and to see optimal gains from the compound.

    Also the way the dosages are set up, well you wont see any kind of gains from the compound that way. No reason to go up and then down week by week, keep the dosage at a stable level throughout the entirety of the cycle. 400mgs/wk for 12 weeks.

    IMO you need to educate yourself of proper cycling methods, proper pct protocols, aas compounds, etc... Stick around for awhile, read up and research before you start your cycle. Gain enough knowledge to properly set up a proper cycle so that you can get optimal results.


  4. #4
    Thanks man for replying ... Anyway ... Since this would be a first cycle how much Testosterone would I use ? And what kind ... Test E or Prop ... Or it doesn't matter ?

    And how about the off period is it right to take 21 days off after your last shot ? And is it right to take Proviron and Clomid ? Nolvadex is pretty hard to find where I'm at ... trust me

  5. #5
    Thanks for the Info, GHO5T ...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Dirty South
    Quote Originally Posted by isitsafeman
    Thanks man for replying ... Anyway ... Since this would be a first cycle how much Testosterone would I use ? And what kind ... Test E or Prop ... Or it doesn't matter ?

    And how about the off period is it right to take 21 days off after your last shot ? And is it right to take Proviron and Clomid ? Nolvadex is pretty hard to find where I'm at ... trust me
    Hey bro it is a general rule of thumb that since all cycles should have a test base that your first cycle be test only. That way you know which compound did what to you (sides/gains).

  7. #7
    Well ... How about :

    12 weeks of Test Prop. [200 mg/week] & 8 weeks of Deca [200 mg/week] ; After that, 20 days - Proviron 25 mg/day ; 10 days - Clomid 50 mg/day ... Or should I just go with only 12 weeks of Test Prop ? ...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    It is highly recommended and i would also advise to run a Test only cycle. No need for deca bro it will be deff overkill.

    Remember the idea of cycling is too use the lowest number of aas compounds with min dosages and still make great gains, this will let the user make great gains but with less stress on the users body.

    Since its your first cycle you will no doubt make considerable gains off your Test only cycle, save the deca for your second or third cycle, no need for it now.

    However i see your fairly new here, it would be helpful if you can post your stats (age, height, weight, diet, bf, lifting experience) before i advise any kind of durations or dosages for a cycle.


  9. #9
    Thanks for the help again, GHO5T ... Well, I will be reaching the age of 21 in May, I am 1,78 m, 75 Kg, and I am lifting for about one year and aprox. 2 months [1 month and 2 weeks now].

    I don't know what to say about my diet : I am eating aprox. 4 meals / day and taking Creatine & Whey Protein [1 portion of 70 g/day - 5g of creatine + 65 g of whey].
    Oh, and btw my diet is based on Carbs & Protein mostly...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by isitsafeman
    Thanks for the help again, GHO5T ... Well, I will be reaching the age of 21 in May, I am 1,78 m, 75 Kg, and I am lifting for about one year and aprox. 2 months [1 month and 2 weeks now].

    I don't know what to say about my diet : I am eating aprox. 4 meals / day and taking Creatine & Whey Protein [1 portion of 70 g/day - 5g of creatine + 65 g of whey].
    Oh, and btw my diet is based on Carbs & Protein mostly...
    Well i did the conversions in my head and your around 5"8' and around 165 pounds.. correct?

    IMO i really do think you can gain alot more natty bro. After looking at your diet, it doesn't look too good for gaining bro. A proper change in your diet, that is based on gaining mass, will no doubt put the pounds on you easily bro, trust me.

    IMO there is no need for gear, reason being you can achieve a much better base/body before you start. This will in turn help you greatly, as the user with a great base runs a cycle, he will make much better gains in terms of quality and quantity, then a bro will a not so good of a base.

    Again i would advise you to save your gear bro, no need for it now. Get your diet in check and you can gain like your running a cycle.

    Also there are alot more knowledgable bros on this board than me, with a vast knowledge of diet and training. The more experienced will help you in setting you up with a cycle that will give you optimal gains, PM IBDmfkr, Marcus3000 or Narkossis and ask for diet advice, they will set you up with a solid diet.


  11. #11
    Thanks for all the help As you said, I will make a buletproof diet and gain more mass... I will save my gear, and I would probably start training with buletproof diet for another year and start cycling after ... Thanks

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    Good choice bro, one that will benefit you greatly in the future.

    If you have any questions about diet or training, just shoot me or any of the bros i mentioned earlier a PM.


  13. #13
    Nice, thx

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