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Thread: Quad injection

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Quad injection

    Been injecting in glute and wanted to try new area as I find it hard to switch sides. Tried quad a few times but every time i bleed like a stuck pig and I noticed the other day that the gauze went oily ie gear was oozing out. Anyone have this prob? Im usin 1.5" so its nice and deep am i going to deep? 2cc test twice a week.

  2. #2
    it shouldn't be leaking that badly if you are injecting deep enough with the right gauge needle. After you pull out hold pressure on the area for awhile with something sterile.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Let the needle stay in for about 10 seconds after you are injecting to let the pressure subside. You can also stretch the skin before injecting (I don't). I was told to apply pressure by pushing in, then sliding down.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Sam's Club
    hit your delts....I love the delts. Use a 1" pin.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Busy Growing
    yeah delts are an easy one bro use them. Much better then quads. I stay away from quads lol.

  6. #6
    try your pec. i think this is the easiest out of all the injection site. the first time is a little scary but it simple to inject and easy to aspirate. sometimes it's hard to aspirate when i shoot my glutes. use 1" needle for quads and pecs. 23g or 25g would be ok.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by sheltonn
    Let the needle stay in for about 10 seconds after you are injecting to let the pressure subside. You can also stretch the skin before injecting (I don't). I was told to apply pressure by pushing in, then sliding down.
    yup...z track is the way to go...i too need to find a new place..never shot in the quad before...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    i always rotate glutes(1 1/2, 23G), quads(1, 25G), and delts(1, 25G) with no issues. been wanting to try bi's too, but keep pussing out.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    isnt 2cc alot to put into a smaler area like your pecs. I used 23gauge 1.5 in my glutes but I have a high BF% around 25% my ass has fat but my legs carry none like i can maybe pinch a 1/4 " on my thighs I was worried that I wasnt goin deep enough on my ass but theres no way I have 1.5" of fat on there, its hard to tell cause I lift my leg and relax it before shooting..anyways no more for my leg it ****in kills feels like I got rocked with a bat been sore for a few days now and anytime i shoot in my glute i feel little to no pain.

    maybe when i use my prop ill try my delts and pecs. smaller amount. I cant see doin 2 shots a week in my pecs of 4cc's.
    Last edited by Joe Dic; 05-02-2007 at 03:55 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I love quads, they are all I shoot normally. I used to have a similar problem with gear leaking out when I was using 18 guaged harpoons. Never had any problems with 23s or 25s though. Your quads are gonna be sore the first couple of times, then they will get used to it. They are by far the easiest place to shoot. Just sit down and jab em. I ztack too.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    thanks for input all

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2006
    25%bf thats high man,,no offense but you really should work on that, you proly gonna retain water like crazy and diet not in check..As far as leaking out gear remove slowly after a brief moment, as soon as needle is out pull your skin with two fingers to the side to bring entrance hole away from the rest of the puncture you just put into yourself,,hold it there for a few seconds or throw a piece of tp on it like a razor cut,,then release and let your skin pull back over to natural spot,,everything should be fine,,

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2005
    what the hell is zstack? ive been around for awhile and have never heard that before.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Sam's Club
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Dic
    isnt 2cc alot to put into a smaler area like your pecs. I used 23gauge 1.5 in my glutes but I have a high BF% around 25% my ass has fat but my legs carry none like i can maybe pinch a 1/4 " on my thighs I was worried that I wasnt goin deep enough on my ass but theres no way I have 1.5" of fat on there, its hard to tell cause I lift my leg and relax it before shooting..anyways no more for my leg it ****in kills feels like I got rocked with a bat been sore for a few days now and anytime i shoot in my glute i feel little to no pain.
    Dont take this as a flame, or maybe you should, but Im being honest here:

    First, if you're 25% bf, youre too fat to be on cycle. You wont see any of your gains, you'll just look fatter. Second, you have a lot more than a 1/4" pinch on your thighs at 25%, promise. Stand on one leg and relax the other, that will tell you how much fat there is, and I'll bet its a lot. Last, Id make sure you have some serious AIs. At 25% your chances of gyno are super high. Id hate to see your BP and lipid profile, get your blood work done asap.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    I know BF is high it was higher i lost good 20lbs Im 6' 260 right now. Last time I did a test cycle I leaned out a fair bit and got really good gains.(ie strength and size on arms chest ) Ive been to trainers and they have all told me how little i carry on my legs for my BF%(top of thigh about half way down they use caliper on) same with arms all my fat is on my gut and chest shitty genetics I have such a hard time losin weight. My diet is in check and I do cardio every morning early before breakfast. If I can make gains without adding to my BF% and keep most with carefull planned pct Im still ahead of the game. More muscle higher metabolism, a good clen cycle with my pct and Ill be better off than I am now.

    I know this isnt your ideal set up ie should be 15% or lower for cycle etc... but man I really try to lose weight last time i went to a trainer his response after looking at my diet and excercise routine was "youve got one of those bodies that everything needs to be absolutly perfect to loose weight and that really blows"
    I intake no refined sugars(except tiny anounts in whey etc.) or simple carbs, I keep a 50 30 20 prot carb to fat ratio. I watch caloric intake and eat 6 meals across the day etc...

    currently I have not put on any weight and my strength is up across the board like incline DB went from 90-110 my leg press went from 8 plates to 10 (765-900lbs) thats gotta mean muscle gain with fat loss. 4 weeks in and no bloat as of yet.
    Last edited by Joe Dic; 05-02-2007 at 08:06 PM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small
    Dont take this as a flame, or maybe you should, but Im being honest here:

    First, if you're 25% bf, youre too fat to be on cycle. You wont see any of your gains, you'll just look fatter. Second, you have a lot more than a 1/4" pinch on your thighs at 25%, promise. Stand on one leg and relax the other, that will tell you how much fat there is, and I'll bet its a lot. Last, Id make sure you have some serious AIs. At 25% your chances of gyno are super high. Id hate to see your BP and lipid profile, get your blood work done asap.
    my health is excellent(for a fat guy) I dont eat any animal products except my whey and fish .ie cholestoral, BP is actually low etc blood work always comes back good and I get it done regularly.
    Last edited by Joe Dic; 05-02-2007 at 08:02 PM.

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