A good friend of mine with a lot of AAS experience is currently doing a cycle with the following compounds. He is taking all of these right now.
When I say he has a lot of experience, I mean he has juiced a lot, but doesn't seem all that educated on the subject.
I am not so sure about dosages, I think he is taking a small amount of dbol, a reasonable amount of anavar and primo. Aside from that, I am not sure. He isn't cycling properly, I know this for sure. He's trying to get ready for a competition that is in like 8 weeks and he's at about 15% bf and even he admits he's nowhere near where he should be at this point.
Today he told me he's got this throbbing feeling on his temples for the last 4 months and asked me what I thought about all of that. I told him he needs to go to a doctor. I also tell him he needs to get his blood tested asap, especially considering all these different compounds he's taking.
Can anyone shed some insight on the current list of steroids he is taking and why it might be a bad idea to have all of these in his cycle? He respects my opinion and I think I know a lot more about AAS than him but I never really use any, just did one cycle. He knows I am a member here and I know more than most, though. If someone can give me some advice on what I can say to him I would appreciate. Like I said, he's my friend and I think he may be fcking himself up with everything he is taking.