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Thread: Have you ever had a good friend turn gay?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Have you ever had a good friend turn gay?

    I have a buudy who is in his thirties and was in the marines when he was younger. He had a good marine friend he ran around with after bootcamp chasing whores and what not in SoCal and Tijuana. He has kept in contact with this guy for 10 years or so and they were planning a reunion but one day he springs it on him that he is gay. WTF? My friend is kind of freaked out. I personally don't care about someones sexuality, but I have to admit this is kind of a weird situtation for a person of hetero nature to be in. What would/did you do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    It has happened to me as well. my best friend i grew up with since i was before I can remeber told me this past winter. I have no problem with it at all. He's still my best friend, we still chill all the time, and even when we go out he still says chicks are hot and stuff as well, it kind of funny. Kind of adds this knew thing to your friendship, like i rag on him about it all the time and he just laughs it off saying he can get more chicks then me anyday (which is true)... hes a chick magnet! and going out to the clubs with him has got me laid more then I can count haha. its pretty crazy. So is it a big deal? definetly not. If your buddy and the guy he was in the marines with are true friends, somthing as small as being gay should have no significance.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Well... as far as I know you don't just wake up one morning and find out you are sexually attracted to men. Your friend's friend was probably ALWAYS gay and I'm sure he still has the same qualities that made the two of them get along so well to begin with.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    Well... as far as I know you don't just wake up one morning and find out you are sexually attracted to men. Your friend's friend was probably ALWAYS gay and I'm sure he still has the same qualities that made the two of them get along so well to begin with.

    EXACTLY! This is what I pretty much told my friend.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I've never had friends TURN gay but i had friends who always were but i never knew it, i mean its something you think you could tell just by hanging out with someone but beleive me gay people arent like the stereotypes they come in all types of images and presentations.

    This guy was just the badass hardcore kickass dude, bouncer at a club, trains in MMA with us, nightime security at a bank during weekdays, just the type of guy you would bring with u to a fight. Knew him for several years before we found out.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    lost in translation
    a friend is a friend regardless of sexual preference IMO. looks like u feel the same way, so its all good

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by lpicken
    I have a buudy who is in his thirties and was in the marines when he was younger. He had a good marine friend he ran around with after bootcamp chasing whores and what not in SoCal and Tijuana. He has kept in contact with this guy for 10 years or so and they were planning a reunion but one day he springs it on him that he is gay. WTF? My friend is kind of freaked out. I personally don't care about someones sexuality, but I have to admit this is kind of a weird situtation for a person of hetero nature to be in. What would/did you do?
    Ummmm what?

    I am sure the guy was gay all his life but he decided to hide it. Both you and i know it would be a smart decision to hide it being that he was in the marines.

    It still to this day baffles my mind why anyone would even gives two @$^@ who the other person sleeps with. He is the same guy that he was before you knew his sexual orientation so treat him like it.


    Whats up with all these gay threads lately , are you guys trying to say something

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2007
    republic of texas
    I always love it when my female friends tell me they are gay!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Honolulu, Hawaii

    Continued . . .

    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    Well... as far as I know you don't just wake up one morning and find out you are sexually attracted to men. Your friend's friend was probably ALWAYS gay and I'm sure he still has the same qualities that made the two of them get along so well to begin with.
    You know, this may seem wierd (I hope not), but you gotta know that our society has been telling us for years that it's ok to be gay or bi. We have heard it since we were children. This kind of brainwashes and desensitizes our morality so that our SOCIETAL inhibitions are now less repulsed by this thought than at any other time in our nations past.

    For instance, 7 marines in North Carolina WHO ARE STRAIGHT, were caught for getting filmed in a gay porno fliick and then the flick was posted on a gay porno website. I think three did it solo and 4 did it with another guy. They did not ascribe to or define themselve as homosexual. Getting off is getting off. 4 were discharged 3 got to stay in (guess which three). They were paid SIX THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS to do the film. How many of you guys who say you wouldnt' do this in public, wouldn't be tempted in private to spend four hours of your time, getting off and on top of that make almost seven thousand dollars. Many male escorts are in these similar circumstances, they realize they can get off with both sexes but perfer one over the other. Nowadays Metrosexual is all the rage I think. Openmindedness, liberality, tolerance to others views and new ways of thinking as well as people just plain thinking about how THEY can get off. Society is much more ME oriented nowadays than it used to be.

    I can see it both ways personally. I know because I figured out my sexuality a long time ago. I was in the military for 10 years and got so much play (both men and women). It's different for each one. Men can mainly be gotten through ego pandering and flattery (and some beer or hard liquor so they can "forget" it happened) - you would be so surprised at how easy it actually is. People do a lot of things in private that they wouldn't admit to anyone in public - more than you can imagine dudes - primarily due to public shame and concern over what others think of them.

    Nowadays, people are more used to seeing people as people than gender objects. Beauty is BEAUTY. Your attracted to what your attracted to in a person. Some people sexualize it, others leave that world alone. Gender is becoming much less of an issue. Several of my clients who were younger and married have simply come on to me in the past. I personally found that rather odd and wouldn't persue this due to it's unprofessionalism. I like their money more than I'd like their body and possible loss of business. Just bad manners in general.

    THose 7 military guys didn't KNOW they were gay because they generally can't admit it to themselves that they might be able to get off with another guy. This is more of a BI thing. THIS IS TOTALLY against everything most men believe about themselves or are willing to admit. Finally as you get older you mature and realize what you've been afraid to admit all along.

    Like one poster here said, gays come in ALL SIZES AND SHAPES AND PERSONALITIES. I like MANLY guys - Like that MMA type he said his friend is like - solid. I like GIRLY Girls for different attraction reasons too soft, sensual in a gentle way - But mainly try to stay away from both for the most part as sex generally complicates matters all around. Unspoken expectations are so odd and every one's different. Friends with benefits is best but hard to maintain - too much gets in the way and it is hard for some people to emotionally separate themselves and compartmentalize sex as sex, friends as friends and not let the two intermingle.

    Waxing philosophical here. This is a HUGE issue in general and human sexuality is very, very complex. What attracts you one day may not attract you the next. I know many of you will disagree but hopefully you can see my points.

    PEOPLE CHANGE and grow emotionally, socially and intellectually as they grow up. You are not the same people at 35 that you were at 20 I can absolutely assure you this is at least 90% the case or more. People care less about what others think as they grow older. Women become gay mainly due relational or sexual abuse since they dont want to be victimized. I've read many studies on male and female sexuality in the past. Attractions come for different reasons the studies communcate.

    Some men like to be the object to be idolized and coveted, others like to covet and idolize. You guys who get big and have the genetic predisposition to be handsome will know exactly what that is about, you like being admired and thought well of and like being attractive since you get more play as a result of paying attention to how you look. Looking good means others come after you and put you on a pedastal.

    Anyway I'm all winded out on this. Wish I could communicate it better so you'd understand it more. Hope I've not gone over the line on this one.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Playing w/ tits
    A friends friend?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Playing w/ tits
    I reread it and now it makes sense

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    people dont turn gay. Some times they just find out there gay later in life. Also he my be bi not gay. I know a few guys the are Bi.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    how did he turn gay? i need to know so i can avoid the same perile. did he catch it from someone? i hope gay hasnt gone airborne.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Rochester, New York
    6,800 bucks to get off with another guy? No.

    Marines weren't homosexual? Sure they weren't.

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