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Thread: Went swimming today.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
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    Went swimming today.

    It was so nice out today I left work early and took the dogs down to the Bay. My Pit likes to fetch water bottles and the Lab just kinda swims around in the shallows. So I'm throwing the bottle and he goes out and gets it a few times when he spots some geese. He decides chasing the geese will be more fun so out he goes. Instead of just flying off they're just swimming away and of course dumbass is following them. I keep waiting for him to get discouraged or tired and come back but now he's about 100 yards out and still going so I'm thinking this dog is gonna go under and by the time I get there I won't be able to find him. I can see his head dissappearing behind the waves and I'm starting to get concerned so I go over to this couple on the beach and ask them to hold the Lab so I can go get stupid. Meanwhile everyone on the beach has heard me screaming at the dog so now their all watching. Off comes the shirt and shoes and in the water I go wading out up to my armpits. Thank god it wasn't that cold. Finally the dog sees me and figures it'll be more fun swimming with me, forgets about the damn geese and swims on over. I grab his harness and lift him up while his doggie legs are still going. The Lab is going crazy on the beach cause she wants to come in and have fun too. This was not my idea of fun but the people watching this fiasco unfold thought it was great.

  2. #2
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    Mar 2005
    damn dude are you still in dirty jerz?? it was kinda chilly here on LI even tho it was sunny out

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
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    Yeah man. It was nice and warm today for awhile. Thank god for the mild winter we had. The Bay wasn't that cold at all. I wasn't even shivering.

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