Today was my second injection. 1.5CC of Deca, and 1.5 of Test E. Monday and Fridays.
I injected in the Glut.
I have read so much info and my head is busting with info.
I am 6'4 and 275 lbs.
This is my second cycle after I have been off for the same amount as I was on, which was 8 weeks. I was injecting Test and Equipoise. 1.5cc evey 3 days. Gained 36 lbs. But because I didnt do the HCG and Clomatin and Novadex, I lost alot of my weight.
Is there anything else I need to inject like some vitamins. I have seen alot of graphs and so on...Some guys inject like Vitamin b-6 and 12?
I have a kick ass diet as well as take my vitamins, like a multi, flax seed, *****s.