pretty good. alittle slow at times. tells 3 different stories.
1 - it wraps up the last movie and continues by showing the extent of the business. its worldwide, auctions are held to buy the rights to kill certain people (shows you how they get their information - very realistic too), and the ties the criminal network has are revealed. very cool.
2 - the victims. 3 students from rome on a trip get sidelined. caught in the network web. pretty cool concept. this area is pretty cookie cutter from the first.
3 - 2 guys who won an auction. one is 150% ready to go and the other is very, very tentative. pretty cool here too. shows the clients side of the elite hunting team.
the violence is crazy. each way the scenes you see are pretty graphic but there are only a few. the movie doesnt rely on the violence but its sicko shit that happens - especially to this one dude. you dont see a long scene but the guy is suffering and gonna last a long time before he goes.
finally the ending is INCREDIBLE!!! the twist is an all time masterpiece. INSANITY!!!
not a must see movie. i like the new generation of horror movies and alot of people dont. the realistic violence is pretty intense in my book and i like the movie concept. better than part 1 and a great, great twist. really dont see it coming like it does.