I have been having low back problems for years--really bad for about 3
I was diagnosed with stenosis(narrowing),facet joint syndrome,arthritis,degenerative disk disease and compression buldges(they said its like taking a ice cream sandwich and squishing it where the disk goes all around not just one spot)
doc told me it was years of heavy squats and jiu jitsu(wrestling is worst thing for your back) and said surgery is not an option at this time as they would have to do all 5 lower lumber and could be worse--so here's pain meds and do epidural injections a couple times per year and learn to live with it probably be on disability some day----
unless you blow one out
well almost 3 weeks ago I was swinging the bat at the batting cages teaching my team how to hit (coach kids) and was fine till next day
severe pain not going away and some days worse than others---stabbing pain in lower back---stabbing pain in left butt cheek----aching pain going into left leg to knee and tingling in left toes---even on pain killers just takes edge off--it is worse when I sit and try to sleep
so what do you think did I fry my back or blow out disk--getting mri monday as they cant get me in earlier