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Thread: Sustanon, Deca and D-Bol cycle Whats do you think???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Sustanon, Deca and D-Bol cycle Whats do you think???

    I'm going to start my second cycle in 4 weeks and need some input from you guys. I wieght is 212 and I'm 6 ft. I will take in between 4000-5000 clean calories a day. I will be at the gym 6 days a week busting ass every day. I plan on having 2 days of cardio in there for 1 hour each session. I plan on doing 12 weeks on. I'll be using 250 of Sustanon EOD and 200mg of Deca EOD for the entire 12 weeks, with D-Bol for the first 7 weeks at 50mg per day to jump start the cycle. I will also be doing Proscar, nolvaldex, proviron and cytomel (T-3 60mg ED) for the entire cycle. I will have PCT of HCG 2000IU for 3 shots and clomid also. Can you guys give me your opion on this cycle. Thanks....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by theflyzman
    I'm going to start my second cycle in 4 weeks and need some input from you guys. I wieght is 212 and I'm 6 ft. I will take in between 4000-5000 clean calories a day. I will be at the gym 6 days a week busting ass every day. I plan on having 2 days of cardio in there for 1 hour each session. I plan on doing 12 weeks on. I'll be using 250 of Sustanon EOD and 200mg of Deca EOD for the entire 12 weeks, with D-Bol for the first 7 weeks at 50mg per day to jump start the cycle. I will also be doing Proscar, nolvaldex, proviron and cytomel (T-3 60mg ED) for the entire cycle. I will have PCT of HCG 2000IU for 3 shots and clomid also. Can you guys give me your opion on this cycle. Thanks....

    My opinion is that you are taking way too much AAS for a second cycle

    875 mgs of Sust
    700 mgs of Deca
    50 mgs of dbol for 7 weeks is too much for first time use

    You will need to stop the Deca two weeks BEFORE the Sust ends !!

    Just MHO

  3. #3
    yeah man calm the hell down, ur lookin at nearly 2g a week for a 2nd cycle?

    what was ur first cycle?

    If I was you I'd run 750mg sust/wk at most and 40-50mg dbol for 6 weeks

    or drop the sust to 500mg week and add in 300mg wk deca at most, and drop the dbol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Dirty South
    I definately agree with SMAN, way too much for a second cycle. Try about 500mgs of sustanon/week and 400 mgs of deca/week. Run the dbol for first FOUR weeks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    I was told that the Sustanon should be used EOD. Do you think I should go day 1 sus, day 2 Deca, day 3 off, and so on? I would still like to do the dbol to jump start. I could cut back to 35mg a day at first??

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    my first cycle was 500 sus, and 400 deca per week.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Dirty South
    You could do 1/2 cc EOD. Use your brain kid. Just cause you used too much gear for a first cycle doesn't mean you have to use too much on your second cycle too. I would just do a repeater with the addition of the dbol for first four weeks you should see good gains again.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Everything can be brought down, even ur days in the gym IMO. based on the cycle and the cals ur takin in im guessing this is a bulker. you shouldnt need 6 lifting days for an offseason lifting regiment. Your body needs more rest if you ask me, and will yield better results from it. keep it to 4-5 days. I only get up to 6-7 when when preparing for contest...

  9. #9
    run the same cycle again, u'll get good gains still

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Dirty South
    Quote Originally Posted by Fjock
    Everything can be brought down, even ur days in the gym IMO. based on the cycle and the cals ur takin in im guessing this is a bulker. you shouldnt need 6 lifting days for an offseason lifting regiment. Your body needs more rest if you ask me, and will yield better results from it. keep it to 4-5 days. I only get up to 6-7 when when preparing for contest...
    Meant to say something about that but forgot. Very good advice here, juice or no juice your body still needs time to rest. 4 days of lifting is plenty. I go 2 on 1 off 2 on 2 off. So I workout on M/T/Th/F. Although looking back you did say 2 days of cardio, which I normally do on my off days so you could be doing right... But if you are working out 6 days a weeks that is overtraining IMO.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Dirty South
    Quote Originally Posted by theflyzman
    I was told that the Sustanon should be used EOD. Do you think I should go day 1 sus, day 2 Deca, day 3 off, and so on? I would still like to do the dbol to jump start. I could cut back to 35mg a day at first??
    Oh and forgot to add... You can shoot them together, at the same time, no point in sticking yourself more times than necessary.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by theflyzman
    I was told that the Sustanon should be used EOD. Do you think I should go day 1 sus, day 2 Deca, day 3 off, and so on? I would still like to do the dbol to jump start. I could cut back to 35mg a day at first??

    What does the fact that it needs to be shot EOD have to do with you doing SO much??

    Just do the math and cut the dosage down to 500......

    Weeks 1-12 Sust @ 500mgs week-thats just over 1/2 ml EOD (438mgs) IF you can't do the math then just do 1/2 ml EOD 438 mgs of Test a week is still strong stuff

    Weeks 1-10 Deca @ 400mgs (350 mgs) I am assuming your deca is dosed at 200mgs/ml so just to 1/2 ml with your sust shots and you will get 350mgs/week still a good second cycle dose

    Weeks 1-4 Dbol @ 30mgs/ED

    See what you think of that....there is NO need for overkill....its all in your diet , training, and rest

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    So I can put the sus and deca in the same shot mixed together?, and for example do sus-deca on Mon and tues off wed off then again sus-deca Thur with Fri-Sat off and repeat?
    What do you think about the T-3 and the Novladex with the proviron and proscar?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hey hosam4ever!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    My sustanon comes in amps of 1ml. How should I store the 1/2 amp thats opened??

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    What are the downfalls if I do Sustanon 250 EOD with Deca 200 EOD with 50 mg of D-Bol a day? I'm I looking at liver toxcity or what???

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by theflyzman
    What are the downfalls if I do Sustanon 250 EOD with Deca 200 EOD with 50 mg of D-Bol a day? I'm I looking at liver toxcity or what???
    Just do it, you're obviously going to anyway genius.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by MrNice
    Just do it, you're obviously going to anyway genius.
    the guys just asking for you to back up your advice with some info... No need for that.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery
    the guys just asking for you to back up your advice with some info... No need for that.
    He's already been told it's way more stuff than a second cycle needs, he's just looking for an excuse to run it.

    If you need this much stuff to grow for your second cycle then your diet/training/rest etc SUCKS.

    I ran 500mg/wk test e and dbol for my first cycle, I'm repeating it for my 2nd. Why? cuz I can still grow on it, why introduct unnecessary compounds and dosages when I can easily grow on less?

    More gear=more sides usually, why risk it?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by theflyzman
    What are the downfalls if I do Sustanon 250 EOD with Deca 200 EOD with 50 mg of D-Bol a day? I'm I looking at liver toxcity or what???
    Aside from the side effect risk you should ALREADY know about, its more about not needing dosages that high to yield good results on just your second cycle. Dude that cycle would make me blow the hell up and im well past my 2nd....

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    buy a STERILE VIAL like 2bux
    pop the amps and transfer to vial.. NOT HARD

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by theflyzman
    I was told that the Sustanon should be used EOD. Do you think I should go day 1 sus, day 2 Deca, day 3 off, and so on? I would still like to do the dbol to jump start. I could cut back to 35mg a day at first??
    1 amp ed for the first 3 weeks and then 3 a week thats my advise on sust.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Second2None
    1 amp ed for the first 3 weeks and then 3 a week thats my advise on sust.
    ROFL wtf 1amp ED?! you clearly do not have the knowledge or experience to give advice on this board.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Second2None
    1 amp ed for the first 3 weeks and then 3 a week thats my advise on sust.
    your advice sucks

    you recommend 1.75g test/wk for a 2nd cycle? even for 3 weeks thats a dumb idea.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Second2None
    1 amp ed for the first 3 weeks and then 3 a week thats my advise on sust.
    hahahaha im with taiboxa on this one

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    1-4 dbol 30-40mg
    1-12 - sust 500mg (250mg every monday and thursday)
    1-10-decca 300-400mg (200mg every monday and thursday)

    i would go do something like this its only your second cycle.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Dirty South
    ^^ How I would run it.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    PIP Broke it down perfect. Nice plain english.
    This way your only doing 2 injections a week and get a good boost with the d-bol.
    With good diet, rest and pct you should have some nice gains.

    Good Luck

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Cool! Thank you all very much. Do you think the proviron, nolvadex is needed? So I can mix the deca and sustanon into one shot??? Does it work better doing them both at the same time?
    Let me break it down. I have on hand
    30 amps of sustanon 250
    30 vials of deca
    500 d-bol 5mg
    plus the pct and anti estrogen
    How would you guys spread this juice out over 3-4 months??

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