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Thread: First Cycle-Check it out please!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    First Cycle-Check it out please!

    Hows it goin? I am 25 yrs old, 6' (maybe just stretchin a bit , 215lbs and 7.3% bf. I have spent a long time dieting and I understand my body pretty well. I love the diet set up I have now and am wanting to step up as I need about 10 more lbs of extremely lean muscle for a photo shoot I have in 4 months. I wasnt going to start shooting for another year so I could perfect my body and have time to diet but still enjoy myself but it looks like things are going to pick up sooner than I thought! Anyways...I will quit rambling :P

    I want to keep it simple. My goal by the end of the cycle is 225-230lbs and 5% bf. Anything else is a bonus! I would be extremely happy if vascularity increased even more though

    I think I may front load with EQ, then run 600mg for 12 weeks.
    Need a test, preferably something shot as frequently as the EQ, test cyp?
    I know there are a few fast acting orals people enjoy using in the beginning half of their cycle, which is the best for my goals? This is a beginner cycle so I kept it light, but if anyone has something they think would work better than what I have set up for my goals let me know!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    I would say var as on oral? ive heard people report around 10-15 lb of quality muscle and also vascularity read up on it on the profiles and see if you like it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Honestly Test is really all you need and maybe an A.I., such as Aromasin to control bloating. You could frontload the Test and run it for 10-12 weeks and possibly add in a DHT like Winstrol/Anavar/Masteron for the last 6-8 weeks. Personally, I would leave it at that and forego the EQ.

    Make sure you have your PCT prepared as well.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Donkey calf raises
    Quote Originally Posted by Titleist
    Honestly Test is really all you need and maybe an A.I., such as Aromasin to control bloating. You could frontload the Test and run it for 10-12 weeks and possibly add in a DHT like Winstrol/Anavar/Masteron for the last 6-8 weeks. Personally, I would leave it at that and forego the EQ.

    Make sure you have your PCT prepared as well.
    great advise, stick with a short ester to keep the bloating off(prop or sust), forget the eq, and throw in an oral at the end to help harden up.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    You need to use only one drug for a first cycle (test). Test will be the base of all cycles in the future, so learn how it reacts in your body before adding other drugs ... how would you know which drug is causing the side effects you may encounter if you use more than one drug?

    Test E or C at 400mg - 500mg per week for 10 weeks is great for newbies.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    eq and cyp r a good combo for sure i dont quite know how ur going to frontload with eq unless u have a short estered version also,if u want a low dose beginner cycle personaly i would go 10-12 weeks 400mg/week with cyp only + pct of course,u may notice some bloat with cyp but it goes quite quickly u may also wanna run an anti e such as nolva to prevent gyno which some users have a problem with when on test

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Great! I think I will run the test sust along with an oral at the end of the cycle. Has anyone ran sust? How have you ran it? What days would you recommend injecting. I already purchased all my pct and have nolva on hand! Thank you so much!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    i know this is probably a really stupid question....but everywhere i read everyone says TEST is good....but what exactly is TEST????

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Create your own thread dont pollute mine. Test is testosterone. There are several different types of test so keep reading! Now back to my question...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    I am running a sutanon cycle 8 weeks , took 25 mg D-bol first three weeks, will take 50 mg winstol the last few weeks before I start my PCT. I wish I could have gotten Test enantate but you take what you get. I am injecting the sus 250 mg every third day but most will tell you to inject the sus every day or every other day. It is difficult when using amps though. My first cycle was test enanthate at 500 mg a week, injected 250 mg on Monday and 250 on Thurs. The results were quite amazing but would have liked to have added some winstrol at the end to harden it up. But taking the nolva sholud help keep the water weight down. Get enanthate if you can bro. Just my opinion.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by torontodude
    i know this is probably a really stupid question....but everywhere i read everyone says TEST is good....but what exactly is TEST????
    could be a series of questions designed to asses ones knowledge on a given subject

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