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Thread: Just started my second cycle...

  1. #1

    Just started my second cycle...

    Today was my second injection. 1.5CC of Deca, and 1.5 of Test E. Monday and Fridays.
    I injected in the Glut.
    I have read so much info and my head is busting with info.
    I am 6'4 and 275 lbs.
    This is my second cycle after I have been off for the same amount as I was on, which was 8 weeks. I was injecting Test and Equipoise. 1.5cc evey 3 days. Gained 36 lbs. But because I didnt do the HCG and Clomatin and Novadex, I lost alot of my weight.

    Is there anything else I need to inject like some vitamins. I have seen alot of graphs and so on...Some guys inject like Vitamin b-6 and 12?

    I have a kick ass diet as well as take my vitamins, like a multi, flax seed, *****s.
    Last edited by YOKED; 06-05-2007 at 10:33 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    IMO you should know the reason behind administering a compound before you inject it. Just looking at charts and hearing other bros inject b-12 and so on, shouldnt justify you doing so as well.

    Know what your administering and why before you do so.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    waiiiiiiiit a minute, ur 6'4" and u only weigh 175lbs and ur administering ur second cycle???

    please tell me thats a typo and u weigh 275lbs

  4. #4
    After my fist cycle, I didnt do any type of therapy.I got to experience a crash first hand. It was terrible. I was throwing up after my workout, I felt like I had no energy. Sucked! I now know what not to do!
    My girlfriend freaked out, found all my stuff, and flushed it all! I was so pissed. Kicked her to the curb after 6 years.
    So, now. I am back on.
    1cc of Deca and 1.5 of Test E. Mondays and Fridays.
    I am currently at 198 lbs. I am 6'3".I am on my 5th week now.
    I am putting mass on really fast. Muscle memory is great. Im gonna up my dosage if my gains start to plateau this week. I weigh myself last week and Im not putting it on as fast anymore.
    How many cc is considered alot? My buddy who's pretty big, does 3.5cc every 4 days. Same stuff. But he is alot larger than me. Isnt that alot of juice?

  5. #5
    I took some pics of my first week. Friday I will take my second pics. I will post them on Sat.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    So you say you have done research and you don't know how to show us your cycle.

    How long are you running each compound?
    How many mg's a week? People who research don't plan their cycles on cc's.

    Any AI's?

    WTF? When you started you were 6'4" with 275lbs, and now you are 6'3" with 198lbs?

    You mean you shrunk and lost almost 80 pounds? I hope you meant 298lbs.

    What is your bf by the way?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    cc means shit without dose.

  8. #8
    Damn I have so much to learn! I am pulling my hair out.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Sam's Club
    Quote Originally Posted by YOKED
    Damn I have so much to learn! I am pulling my hair out.
    Youre not the sharpest knife in the drawer by a long shot.

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