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Thread: Clen With Post Cycle???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Exclamation Clen With Post Cycle???

    i wanted to know how i should cycle clen for pct. i read that there are people that do this to help with fat, lethargy and keep from going catabolic. do i wanna run it right after my last shot? and do i wanna piramid like doing 2 weeks on 2 weeks off or just take like 40-80mcgs every day consistantly..
    on thing that sucks is breaking up the damn clen cause they are 200mcg's and like 4 or 5 mm, very very small.. thanks for any advice. also if there are anyother supp's you guys rec or have experienced with please let me know..

    i am coming off of...
    sust-750mg week
    deca-600mg week
    anadrol 100 mg first 6 weeks
    and started hcg today. doing 500iufor 14 days then starting a-dex at .5 mg. is that enough mg perday??

    this was a ten week cycle, i was going to go 14 but shoulders hurt from benching. i was benching 315 2x's b4 cycle and now benching 425 2xs. i think that really screwed my shoulders up ....


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    hard to b elieve that i have 20 views and no one has any ezperience at all with the this

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    ya im running clen in my pct, goin good man, i was on teste n deca n winny cycle 12 wks last 6 wks winny..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    how much are u taking and how long u gonna cycle for?
    thanks bro

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Interesting thread, I never used clen and would like to know the same. did you make out in your cycle, weight? size? I'm doing just about the same thing, starting week 2.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    my cycle went pretty good however my diet was as goods as it should have been. i put on about 12-15 lbs and had no bloat whatsoever. if anything i was pretty vascular for taking 100 mg of anadrol. strengh gains was good. max bench b4 cycle was 315, which was very difficult. and i swear to god within a few weeks i rep 315 8-10 times and maxed out at 425 2x. they only repracusion from going up in weight that fast is my shoulders..
    rotator cuffs started hurting bad so i am doing some therpeutic work outs for them. side affects was mainly lethargy. u feel tired and shity alot so try to stay motivated as much as possible and know for the next few weeks u will have to deal with that.. someone told me to take 3k vitamin c and go up to even 7k vitamin c a day. muscle cramps are pretty bad. for me it was my hams and glutes when i was getting outta bed.. weird... hope this shed a little light in for ya man... later

  7. #7
    Sounds like you got pretty strong man. Your PCT is quite lacking though. You don't want to run a SERM with the Arimidex? I'd run Nolv or Clomid with Aromasin rather than A-Dex.
    As for the Clen, I've been researching the same thing and have gotten answers to every one of my questions with the Search button. It seems like the best way to run Clen is to start low and ramp up each day. I would not run it for longer than 2 weeks though, without Keto to stop the down regulation of the beta receptors.

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