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Thread: cant get tren. thinkin about prop/anadrol/winstrol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    in bed, or at the gym

    cant get tren. thinkin about prop/anadrol/winstrol

    my tren aint comin for weeks now. so I was thinkin about runnin prop/anadrol/winstrol. any sugestions on how I should run it? I want to cut thats why I wanted to run the tren with the prop for 8 weeks.I was thinkin run it like this prop weeks 1-8 100mgs.ed,anadrol for 10 days 25mgs ed then bump to 50 mgs. ed for 20 days and run the wistrol at the end to cut but not sure how to run it. never run winstrol before.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    in bed, or at the gym


    Quote Originally Posted by dank1970
    my tren aint comin for weeks now. so I was thinkin about runnin prop/anadrol/winstrol. any sugestions on how I should run it? I want to cut thats why I wanted to run the tren with the prop for 8 weeks.I was thinkin run it like this prop weeks 1-8 100mgs.ed,anadrol for 10 days 25mgs ed then bump to 50 mgs. ed for 20 days and run the wistrol at the end to cut but not sure how to run it. never run winstrol before.
    this cycle was suggested to me when the tren became unnavailable. I have never heard of running a cycle like this so I am looking for some feedback.I know that a bombs can cause water retention and I dont want that because I am cutting with diet and I know that its not good to run more than one 17aa compound at a time so I would be running the a bombs to for size up front and winny for cutting after with the prop throughout.I am just afraid that the a bombs are going to make me want to eat too much.I have letro,cabergoline, and a clomid/tomox mix to add during cycle if needed and for pct. does this cycle look ok or retarded?
    Last edited by dank1970; 06-25-2007 at 12:50 AM. Reason: forgot a word

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    a state of denial
    Have you ever used AAS?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    in bed, or at the gym


    Quote Originally Posted by inheritmylife
    Have you ever used AAS?
    yes this will be my fifth cycle not including superdrol cycle and a methyl x cycle I ran before using ass.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    you cant get tren? just make your own.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Anadrol is a DHT but I question using it for cutting, it is known to put on massive amounts of weight and causes water retention, makes it kinda hard to cut up with those effects. GL

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    in bed, or at the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06
    Anadrol is a DHT but I question using it for cutting, it is known to put on massive amounts of weight and causes water retention, makes it kinda hard to cut up with those effects. GL
    thats what I was thinking,I guess it makes sense for size increase with the prop, I just dont know if the winny and diet will be enough to stay cut after using it for that.

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