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Thread: How would you say this to a girl?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    How would you say this to a girl?

    How would tell a girl that you find her incredibly sexy but you don't want a relationship and just wanna f*ck her?
    Can't think of anything good and I need to sound convincing cuz she's looking for a relationship.

  2. #2
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    "I've always tried to stay out of the 'relationship' thing but after spending some time with you and getting to know you I think I may give it a try"

    sounds a little indecissive so if she gets pissed or heart broken, you fall back by saying "I told you I 'thought' I was ready and I did 'try', but I guess I really wasn't ready, but thanks for the great sex. C'ya." --The last little bit is optional!

  3. #3
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  4. #4
    Paging Bojangles.... Paging Bojangles...

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuieTSToRM33

    I think I just pee'd myself lau***ng !! That was the funniest thing I have seen in a LOOOONG time!!


  6. #6
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    She wants a relationship and you don't. Sounds pretty black and white to me.

    Do her a favor by leaving her alone. You'll most likely be doing yourself a favor as well.

  7. #7
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    RIP Brother...
    It's not so much how you tell her but when - I recommend some time after you've nailed her!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    She wants a relationship and you don't. Sounds pretty black and white to me.

    Do her a favor by leaving her alone. You'll most likely be doing yourself a favor as well.

    hmmm... your right. gotta give her the boot.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    She wants a relationship and you don't. Sounds pretty black and white to me.

    Do her a favor by leaving her alone. You'll most likely be doing yourself a favor as well.

    2nd that

  10. #10
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    Just tell her you love her

    then after the fact, tell her you cant be with her because you love her

    no, thats mean and cruel, im not a jerk.....but god, I gaurentee any girl would become obsessed with a guy who said that to her

  11. #11
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    ^ or run away....

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04
    Just tell her you love her

    then after the fact, tell her you cant be with her because you love her

    no, thats mean and cruel, im not a jerk.....but god, I gaurentee any girl would become obsessed with a guy who said that to her
    Yeah. I've done that before. It is NOT a good idea. First of all it's really freakin' evil. Second, the girl I did it to found all of my ex-girlfriends and messed up what could have been a really good relationship. I deserved it but realizing that didn't make it suck any less...

    You know what they say about a woman scorned... Well, it's true.

  13. #13
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    ^ thinks so?

    I bet she would be all like, "uhhhh, how sweet, I want to be the one to change him, and I also want what I cant have"

  14. #14
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    Yeah. I've done that before. It is NOT a good idea. First of all it's really freakin' evil. Second, the girl I did it to found all of my ex-girlfriends and messed up what could have been a really good relationship. I deserved it but realizing that didn't make it suck any less...

    You know what they say about a woman scorned... Well, it's true.
    yup yup yup

  15. #15
    Tell her after you are done banging the $hit out of her....

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCB83
    How would tell a girl that you find her incredibly sexy but you don't want a relationship and just wanna f*ck her?
    Can't think of anything good and I need to sound convincing cuz she's looking for a relationship.
    You DON'T.

    And you don't tell her she's incredibly sexy. Thats flattering but will mean essentially nothing to her. Women are NOT like men. They need to feel like theres a REAL reason or REAL commonality for them to be with you or fvck you in the first place (unless they are complete whores)

    About the whole you not wanting a relationship thing, just don't verbalize it. Don't talk about it. When she asks (if she asks) be elusive like "I'm not really sure what I'm looking for but I'll let you know when I find out". You set yourself up for a trap answering that question directly either way. Because you REALLY DON'T KNOW what the other persons is looking for.

    You are only ASSUMING. Even if they still verbalize it, its nonsense, they'll change their minds in the blink of an eye.

    I'm not even going to cover the routine to get her from location A to your bed because I'm tired and not feeling good right now but absolutely DO NOT just walk up to her and say "your hot, I want to fvck you no strings attached"

    She'll be like "why don't you take don't "strings" and tie them around your neck and hang yourself creap".

    You need to be sly, smooth, elusive, calibrated, and know how to play the game, which I really don't feel like getting into right now cuz only like 25% ppl are gonna read this shit anyway.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mogamedogz
    Paging Bojangles.... Paging Bojangles...
    lmao!!! I'm just not in the mood today, I have a muscle contusion on my left glute and sitting down hurts REALLY bad.

    But I will try to add more later =]

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCB83
    How would tell a girl that you find her incredibly sexy but you don't want a relationship and just wanna f*ck her?
    Can't think of anything good and I need to sound convincing cuz she's looking for a relationship.

    Are you still having trouble getting that same girl from a month ago?

    ***No source checks!!!***

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    You DON'T.

    And you don't tell her she's incredibly sexy. Thats flattering but will mean essentially nothing to her. Women are NOT like men. They need to feel like theres a REAL reason or REAL commonality for them to be with you or fvck you in the first place (unless they are complete whores)

    About the whole you not wanting a relationship thing, just don't verbalize it. Don't talk about it. When she asks (if she asks) be elusive like "I'm not really sure what I'm looking for but I'll let you know when I find out". You set yourself up for a trap answering that question directly either way. Because you REALLY DON'T KNOW what the other persons is looking for.

    You are only ASSUMING. Even if they still verbalize it, its nonsense, they'll change their minds in the blink of an eye.

    I'm not even going to cover the routine to get her from location A to your bed because I'm tired and not feeling good right now but absolutely DO NOT just walk up to her and say "your hot, I want to fvck you no strings attached"

    She'll be like "why don't you take don't "strings" and tie them around your neck and hang yourself creap".

    You need to be sly, smooth, elusive, calibrated, and know how to play the game, which I really don't feel like getting into right now cuz only like 25% ppl are gonna read this shit anyway.
    Explaining A1 all the way to S1, S2 is just way to much work. The reason she is telling you she wants to be in a relationship first is because you didnt build enough comfort.

    You have to attract her, then build comfort with her, then seduce her, and then bang her. Shes attracted to you but your skipping the middle parts, and its just not going to work.

  20. #20
    Gear's Avatar
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    Just be honest mate. Tell her that you think she is incredible, amazingly attractive and a nice sweet girl. Also, remind her you're a male so ofcourse you will wanna bang her, so that's what you wanna do, but you are not ready to fall in a r/ship. Tell her if she declines then you will be more than happy to stay friends with her coz she is an awsome chick. If she still gets upset, tell her to fk off!! LOL


  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    You have to attract her, then build comfort with her, then seduce her, and then bang her. Shes attracted to you but your skipping the middle parts, and its just not going to work.
    Blah, too much effort.


  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    Blah, too much effort.


    Id rather put the effort in and bang any girl i please then settle for some 6 or 7. and to me its not even effort anymore, it just comes natrual. takes a lot of practice (effort) but god damn it pays off. i literally have to tell girls to leave me alone now. And i wasnt the kid who got lots of girls in highschool. granted i got girls, but now.... shit its almost to much

    He has to restructure his "frame" so that she wont ask those kind of questions. if he was controlling what we in the PUA world call a "frame" stuff like that probably wouldnt come up.. But he lacks the knowledge so he will prob end up like what every other dude does. tell her hes ready, bang her then ditch her. and you wonder why women shut down men so hard at bars or clubs

    Just my 2 pennies.
    Last edited by K.Biz; 07-11-2007 at 03:56 PM.

  23. #23
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    Id rather put the effort in and bang any girl i please then settle for some 6 or 7. and to me its not even effort anymore, it just comes natrual. takes a lot of practice (effort) but god damn it pays off. i literally have to tell girls to leave me alone now. And i wasnt the kid who got lots of girls in highschool. granted i got girls, but now.... shit its almost to much

    He has to restructure his "frame" so that she wont ask those kind of questions. if he was controlling what we in the PUA world call a "frame" stuff like that probably wouldnt come up.. But he lacks the knowledge so he will prob end up like what every other dude does. tell her hes ready, bang her then ditch her. and you wonder why women shut down men so hard at bars or clubs

    Just my 2 pennies.
    Blah... maybe I think I'm just not that bothered if I get a root or not, I am over females and their BS. I rather play my playstation.


  24. #24
    number twelve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    Blah... maybe I think I'm just not that bothered if I get a root or not, I am over females and their BS. I rather play my playstation.


  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve
    I thought the same.

    kind of sad to

  26. #26
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    So wait why don't you want a relationship with her? Somebody once told me that people that like sleeping around and don't get into relationships are usually afraid of something. Kissing,making out, sex all feel sooooo much better when the person means something to you, I could never understand why people like doing one night stands.

  27. #27
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dece870717
    So wait why don't you want a relationship with her? Somebody once told me that people that like sleeping around and don't get into relationships are usually afraid of something. Kissing,making out, sex all feel sooooo much better when the person means something to you, I could never understand why people like doing one night stands.
    Because we don't want the future headaches.


  28. #28
    Just say you dont want any attachments.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    You DON'T.

    And you don't tell her she's incredibly sexy. Thats flattering but will mean essentially nothing to her. Women are NOT like men. They need to feel like theres a REAL reason or REAL commonality for them to be with you or fvck you in the first place (unless they are complete whores)

    About the whole you not wanting a relationship thing, just don't verbalize it. Don't talk about it. When she asks (if she asks) be elusive like "I'm not really sure what I'm looking for but I'll let you know when I find out". You set yourself up for a trap answering that question directly either way. Because you REALLY DON'T KNOW what the other persons is looking for.

    You are only ASSUMING. Even if they still verbalize it, its nonsense, they'll change their minds in the blink of an eye.

    I'm not even going to cover the routine to get her from location A to your bed because I'm tired and not feeling good right now but absolutely DO NOT just walk up to her and say "your hot, I want to fvck you no strings attached"

    She'll be like "why don't you take don't "strings" and tie them around your neck and hang yourself creap".

    You need to be sly, smooth, elusive, calibrated, and know how to play the game, which I really don't feel like getting into right now cuz only like 25% ppl are gonna read this shit anyway.

    OMG this is the first time i ever agree with you.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja
    Are you still having trouble getting that same girl from a month ago?


    lol, good for u!
    no, i fvcked the sh*t out of her.
    we're goin out but she's on vacation........yes... im a rat bastard, this is another chik.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    She wants a relationship and you don't. Sounds pretty black and white to me.

    Do her a favor by leaving her alone. You'll most likely be doing yourself a favor as well.
    good advice brother

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    She wants a relationship and you don't. Sounds pretty black and white to me.

    Do her a favor by leaving her alone. You'll most likely be doing yourself a favor as well.
    My advice exactly. If you're just looking for sex, there are plenty of hot girls looking for the same thing, find one of those and leave this girl alone.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by dece870717
    So wait why don't you want a relationship with her? Somebody once told me that people that like sleeping around and don't get into relationships are usually afraid of something. Kissing,making out, sex all feel sooooo much better when the person means something to you, I could never understand why people like doing one night stands.
    why... i think shes hot but there's no chemistry.shes kinda dumb to.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCB83
    why... i think shes hot but there's no chemistry.shes kinda dumb to.
    sounds like 2 more reasons to leave her alone.

  35. #35
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    bang her a few times then tell her you have the clap or herpes or somthing... Or make her want to get out of the 'relationship' by just acting like a dick or somthing. Make her think she ended it on her terms.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    You DON'T.
    Bingo. There is your answer right there.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    She wants a relationship and you don't. Sounds pretty black and white to me.

    Do her a favor by leaving her alone. You'll most likely be doing yourself a favor as well.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCB83
    How would tell a girl that you find her incredibly sexy but you don't want a relationship and just wanna f*ck her?
    Can't think of anything good and I need to sound convincing cuz she's looking for a relationship.
    Well, I'd start off with, "Mom, we need to talk..."

  39. #39
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    LOL I just told my bf of 5 years that very same thing and he was not very happy. Im just tired of being in a serious relationship and I want him for a f'n buddy and he was not happy! See you just can't win! LOL

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by LAW
    LOL I just told my bf of 5 years that very same thing and he was not very happy. Im just tired of being in a serious relationship and I want him for a f'n buddy and he was not happy! See you just can't win! LOL
    damn, why cant all girls be like that.

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