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Thread: Definition/Cut under Pec

  1. #1

    Definition/Cut under Pec

    Any suggestions on how to get that shelf look and real cut look on the lower pecs?

    Mine seem to taper instead of standing up off my lower chest. The upper pec seems to have definition and the cut is there in the middle too. Granted, I am holding more BF right now but I can't ever seem to really get the lower pecs to stand up.

    Any suggestions other than the standard decline presses?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    In the gym
    Lower your bodyfat. Your natural genetics have more influence on this than anything else.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Lifts-a-lot
    Lower your bodyfat. Your natural genetics have more influence on this than anything else.

    Genetics needs his arse kicked...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    lower chest is all about lowering your bodyfat.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    In the gym
    I think bad genetics is one of mother natures fuked up tricks that she plays on us!

  6. #6
    Do dips, I was having the same problem. Yes, lower your bodyfat, aswell and dips. do 3x10, if that gets to easy then get the chain belt and add some weight. I had some 12 year old boobies for like 2 months cause I let myself go. Cardio and dips should help you out a bit.

  7. #7
    You really want to stretch the pecs out to get those deep cuts. You could try doing some heavy cable crossovers to start your chest workout and do the mass building sets after you have pre exhausted your chest. You will be suprised how sore your chest will be the next day if you have never done this before.

    Also try some decline flyes and do higher reps around 15 per set.



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