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Thread: critique my workout (long read sorry)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    critique my workout (long read sorry)

    OK, I read the stickies at the top of this board, so I will try to give all the info for you guys to help. I'm 30, 5'7, 220lbs., 20% bf. I have been lifting for 15 years. I had surgery 1 year ago to reattach my labrium in my shoulder, since then it feels awesome. 5 months after my surgery I had my best bench ever 385. I had a crazy work schedule the first 6 months this year 6:00am to 9:00 6 days a week, this is the longest I've went without lifting. Anyway I'm back now and my goals are a little different now. Before I was all about strength now I really want to lean up,to look better and my doc says shedding 30lbs. should get me off my bloodpressure medicine, I want to stay strong though and would really love to get that bench press to 405 (been a personal goal for a long time). I have just started a diet 2 weeks ago and its working pretty good. I'm drinking about 3 shakes a day and eating 3-4 small meals. Also on NO explode right before workout. My pyhsical therpist (my wife) says my shoulders and back need to catch up with my chest before the super heavy lifting starts again so I'm training them twice a week, not sure if this is correct or not. Anyway here is my workout of the present. Pick it apart.

    Monday: Shoulders/Back

    t-bar 4x6-8
    wide grip pulldown 4x6-8
    seated cable row 3x8-10
    cable rope rear-delt row 3x8-10
    military press 4x6-8
    db lateral raises 3x8-10
    rear-delt machine 4x8-10
    shrugs 4x8-10

    Tuesday: bis/tris

    closegrip bench 4x6-8
    v-bar tricep extension 4x6-8
    rope tricep extension 3x8-10
    cable one arm tricep extension 3x8-10
    bench dips 3x12-15
    bb curl 4x6-8
    db hammer curl 4x6-8
    hammer cable strait bar curl 3x8-10
    overhead cable curl 3x8-10
    incline curl 3x12-15

    Wednesday: legs

    deadlifts 4x8-10
    squats 4x8-10
    db lunges 3x8-10
    leg extensions 3x8-10
    leg curls 3x8-10
    standing calf raises 4x8-10

    Thursday: chest

    bb bench press 4x6-8
    bb incline press 4x6-8
    db low incline press 3x8-10
    hammer strength chest press 3x8-10
    peck deck 3x10-12
    uneven pushups 3x10-12

    Friday: shoulders/back

    hammer strenth row 4x6-8
    v-bar lat pulldown 4x6-8
    one arm db row 3x8-10
    strait arm pulldown 3x8-10
    db arnold press 4x6-8
    seated bentover lateral raises 3x8-10
    standing cable lateral raises 3x8-10
    db reverse flys on incline 3x8-10
    shrugs 4x8-10

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Oh yeah I forgot I swim about 20 laps 3 times a week, and elipitical 2 times a week for about 45 min. for cardio.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    come'on whats everybody think.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    New York
    Monday: Shoulders/Back

    t-bar 4x6-8
    wide grip pulldown 4x6-8
    seated cable row 3x8-10
    cable rope rear-delt row 3x8-10
    military press 4x6-8
    db lateral raises 3x8-10
    rear-delt machine 4x8-10
    shrugs 4x8-10

    Tuesday: bis/tris

    closegrip bench 4x6-8
    v-bar tricep extension 4x6-8
    rope tricep extension 3x8-10
    cable one arm tricep extension 3x8-10
    bench dips 3x12-15
    bb curl 4x6-8
    db hammer curl 4x6-8
    hammer cable strait bar curl 3x8-10
    overhead cable curl 3x8-10
    incline curl 3x12-15

    Wednesday: legs

    deadlifts 4x8-10
    squats 4x8-10
    db lunges 3x8-10
    leg extensions 3x8-10
    leg curls 3x8-10
    standing calf raises 4x8-10

    Thursday: chest

    bb bench press 4x6-8
    bb incline press 4x6-8
    db low incline press 3x8-10
    hammer strength chest press 3x8-10
    peck deck 3x10-12
    uneven pushups 3x10-12

    Friday: shoulders/back

    hammer strenth row 4x6-8
    v-bar lat pulldown 4x6-8
    one arm db row 3x8-10
    strait arm pulldown 3x8-10
    db arnold press 4x6-8
    seated bentover lateral raises 3x8-10
    standing cable lateral raises 3x8-10
    db reverse flys on incline 3x8-10
    shrugs 4x8-10[/QUOTE]

    Your not giving yourself enough recovery. If u do Shoulders and back on mon, ur bis are used alot in back so doing them tuesday is something i wouldnt do. As for doing chest thursday than shoulders yet again friday, your delts are gonna be shot. Why are you doing delts and back twice a week? lagging bodypart? Plus ur working out 5 straight days... Your CNS wont like you to much for that. Recovery=Growth. Overtraining= You need to rethink your routine. Are you able to go to the gym sat and sunday?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Yes, I'm trainning shoulders/back twice because they are lagging a bit, I was afraid I was overtrainning.

    I can workout on Sat. but not Sun.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I personally think you might be doing too many sets. My body doesn't respond well to say 20 sets of chest work.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    What about this


    arnold db press 4sets
    db laterial raise 3sets
    rear delt machine (supinated grip) 3sets
    cable front raise 3sets
    shrugs 3sets


    deadlifts 3sets
    hack squat 3sets
    db lunges 3sets
    leg extensions 3sets
    leg curls 3sets
    closegrip bench 4sets
    v-bar tricep extension 3sets
    rope tricep extension 3sets
    one arm tricep extension 2sets


    swim 15 laps


    pullups 3sets
    t-bar 4sets
    wide grip lat pulldown 4sets
    seated cable row 3sets
    bb curl 4sets
    db hammer curl 4sets
    standing alternating db curl 3sets


    bb bench 4sets
    bb incline 3sets
    db incline press 3sets
    peck deck 3sets


    swim 15 laps

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