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Thread: letro, tamoxif. during cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    letro, tamoxif. during cycle?

    Hey! i'm o my 6 week cy, and i wanted to know if I should use letro or tamox. Which doses i should use per day? have i use a combination of this 2 ones? can i buy without medical prescription? i notice that i have a bit fat accumulation under my nipples.
    my cycle per week: 2 mg sus, 2mg win, 4mg dec.
    which is better letro o ar-dex?

    please i would be very thankful if anyone can explain clearly. Thanks a lot

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I don't understand your cycle. What is it?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Njord
    I don't understand your cycle. What is it?
    4 ml deca per week
    2 ml winstr per week
    2 ml sust per week

    10 week cycle.
    the question is if i noticed that i'm accumulating fat arount the nipples, but it doesn't hurt (not sure if it's gyne), should i use nolva and letro? which week i should start if it's a 10 week cycle using SERM and AI?

    you think it's ok using 0,25 - 0,50 mg of letro and 40 mg of nolva?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    What is the concentration of you gear? Just lisitng the ml's doesn't really tell us anything.
    And you need to do a lot more reasearch because your knowledge is seroiusly lacking. If you have fat deposits around the nipples and you didn't have them before the cycle, it is probably gyno or the start of it. Need to get on the Nolva asap and if it progresses, you might want to try gyno reversal using Letro (do a search for C_bino's gyno reversal thread.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    yeah bud, your AAS knowledge is seriously lacking based on how you've laid your cycle out..for starters tell us how much of each compound you are taking every week in mg not ml. Sust is normally 250mg/ml, thus you would be taking 500mg/wk of sust. Your winny doseage is totally should be injecting winny every day guess youre doing it twice a week. Shouldve done a lot more research before you started..I suggest you start reading ASAP

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