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Thread: anadrol 50

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    anadrol 50

    wats going on guyz. im doing great so far. i hope every 1 is cooling out. amongst all that...i have a general question about anadrol 50. what has been everyones experience taking this compound. did u lose evrything from taking it..even along with proper pct. cause from wat i heard, its awesome for anemia in increasing red blood cell count..however, i heard for bodybuilding makes u promote nutin more than water thatll vanquish as soon as u come off. i wanted to not just know this...but my friend has a ugl lab for this drug and id like to know if u guyz think that this is worth having on hand for a good jump addition to the tbol and blue hearts i have already. i just am 1 of those guyz who like to have it all on hand..but am indecisive about anadrol since i dont wanna purchase anything thatll just cause severe gains in water thatll only deflate even with proper pct.

    alos. what can i expect from it and what kindda diet wud u suggest to take with it other than a low sodium intake. i dont have any cycle in mind that i wish to propose..its just a general question. and id like 2 know wat kindda ai wud u use for this specific compouind. wud nolva be okay. thankx for all responses guys..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    It sounds to me that your asking how to do an abomb only cycle...

    YES they are good for jumpstarting, no they arent good solo.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    any experience with this bro. did u get hard, or smooth bulk. i didnt mean alnoe btw. my error...i just meant if its worth having to jumpstart or is gyno and water retention the predominate sides all ill get. dont wanna blow up into a bloat bag even with proper diet n pct. will it actually provide me good deal of muscle versus bloat along with hard trng, n diet

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Canada - No source checks
    Quote Originally Posted by john vega
    i wanted to not just know this...but my friend has a ugl lab for this drug and id like to know if u guyz think that this is worth having on hand for a good jump addition to the tbol and blue hearts i have already.
    Are you considering running THREE orals on your cycle??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    no..just general knowledge about having a50 on hand in my supply...if its purposeful or purposeless.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    wat a stupid way for me 2 address this guyz. i stand correct! im just trying to figure out how to convey this.. my guy has a bottle of drol and i was wonderinf if it made sense to pick it up juat to have on hand down the road for a kickstarter in a cycle. i already have 500 tbol and 500 blue hearts.not sure if its impulse or part of me wud love to just experience the dramatic strength from drol and size as well. just fearful that it causes nutin more than water.. even more than dbol. shud i not get it and purchase more tbol for future.. of just get it and take 50 mgs a day for 4 weeks amongst an androgen and an ai and a 19 nor. no cycle am i planning..just to have for future..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    is it also guaranteed to cause gyno any quicker than dbol..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    and is it bad on the hairline....

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Canada - No source checks
    It sounds like you just answered your own questions. Dbol is stronger than Drol on a mg per mg basis. Gyno induced by anadrol is not estrogen related, therefore AI's will do no good in halting drol induced gyno. Dbol gyno can be controlled by an AI. I would pick dbol before I went for anadrol personally. They both cause massive gains in water weight, but I think you'd retain more, with less sides with Dbol.

    And yes, anadrol is harsh on the hairline, but keep in mind, all AAS will impact your hairline if you are prone to MPB.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    lost in translation
    i did d-rol i liked alot about it and i hated it as well.the strength was awesome, huge pumps and i deff gained a good 13lbs. as for the bad, if u want to feel like shit ed, go ahead and get it. i cant really explain it other than it elevated my anxiety to very uncomfortable deff got my gyno rippin again and u just have an overall sense that the fvkin sky is gonna fall! anyway i ran it 100mg ed for 3wks and finaly dropped it after i got diarea that i couldnt get rid of so i dropped it and started feeling better in a few days.i personaly wish i had gotten the d-bol, if u got d-bol stick with it IMO

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    lost in translation
    BTW everyone experience is diff, scmidty took it and loved it, though he did say he felt like death the last few days. really u have to decide for ur-self

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I did my first 2 cycles with DBoL @ 40 & 50mg per day and my third cycle with Anadrol50 @ 75mg a day.

    I saw equal gains on both compounds, I have already purchased more Anadrol 50 for my upcoming 4th cycle. You dont have to worry about gyno if you know how to stop it before it starts.

    Anadrol50 gave me great pumps and massive strength gains, my lifts (chest for example) only went down 40 lbs when i went off.

    I am pro anadrol, but you cant go wrong either way.

  13. #13
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    Just out of curiosity, why are you only stocking up on orals?

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    cause i have enugh kickstarters on hand already except i inquired about its side effects.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    IMO, get more dbol or another compound. I don't like taking something that makes me feel bad. Drol makes me feel worse than tren. Dbol on the other hand makes me feel like a champ. Get some winny or var if you've got money to burn.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I have said this before and I will say it again...You have to try this compound for yourself.

    It effects everyone differently...Some talk about uncontrollable bloat/gyno, lethargy, etc...(Although many haven't used it.)

    There are also plenty that will tell you that there are less sides than Dbol. No gyno, even when combined with other compounds like tren. Less bloat. Great strength. Etc.

    So yes, it is worth picking up. Try it at 50mg ED first. Then decide whether to give it up or go up.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    anadrol is cool, I personally don't like it. It kill my appetite but I was pretty big due to the water retention and strong in the gym, so its really up to you. I personally like dbols better.

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