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Sprints, Sprints, Sprints!!! Sprints will make you faster, sprints will help you get in shape fast. So what you are looking for is something like you start out jogging.. say 1-2 minutes then you want to sprint a good solid 30 seconds, jog again 2 minutes and sprint 30 seconds REPEAT!!! Point of this is to make your jog your *recovery* time. The fastest way we get in shape preseason is we do this for 30 minutes around a soccer field, but we throw in 75% sprints as well. If you can't handle sprinting for that long sprint up a hill!! It will be harder but shorter. Something that helps me out is to have my MP3 player/ipod W/E and get some good music to set a pace to. Then when you get to a fast chorus TAKE OFF. 1.5miles in less than 10:30 is not to bad so you should be ok.